Thursday, January 7, 2016

Getting carried away?

Meet The Dutch Owl Who Loves To Land On People’s Heads

262 days ago by Dainius

An owl that likes to land on people’s heads has rocketed a small Dutch town to fame. Menno Shaefer, a 48-year-old from Zaandam, Netherlands, managed to document this friendly 6lb (2.7kg) European Eagle Owl as it tried to roost on the heads of onlookers in Noordeinde town. There, it sat for up to a minute before looking for another resting spot.

“Whilst photographing the owl, it did try to land one my head once,” said Shaefer to NL Times. “However, as soon as I lifted my camera to get a shot, the owl flew onto my neighbor standing by my side.” Residents think that the owl might have escaped from an aviary in Oosterwolde, and are excited by the publicity. “I have seen photographers and birders from around the country, from The Hague to Spijkenisse, they come from everywhere to see the eagle owl. Our village is finally on the map!” , said one happy resident.

As to why the owl behaves this way, Schaefer said, “It was a very funny thing to watch, however I’m just as confused as anyone as to why it does this.”

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Feelin' jerky? Homoerotica from the bird sanctuary

Wednesday January 06, 2016

Oregon activist Ryan Bundy compares government to slave master with whip

An armed, self-styled militia group has been occupying a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon since Saturday night. Calling themselves the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, the group is led by sons of Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher who has engaged previously in armed standoffs with the federal government.

Ryan Bundy, one of the sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, speaks with a reporter at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016, near Burns, Ore. With the takeover entering its fourth day Wednesday, authorities had not removed the group of roughly 20 people from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon's high desert country. (Rick Bowmer/Associated Press)

These news items blur the line between satire and psychosis. There is no doubt in my mind we're witnessing history here. That is what moved me to make the very first, and very likely ONLY, Citizens for Constitutional Freedom Blingee!

Others have discovered an even more powerful means of honouring this well-nigh-impossible-to-believe historic standoff: Bundy homoerotic fanfic!

(Lots more here!):

POST-POST BLATHER. I just keep finding new dimensions of this excruciating story. Though my first Blingee was poetic and beautiful, even heart-touching, it omitted several key details: mainly, they weren't blastin' their guns, goldern it! "Hey, Cletus! Did-jall run ahta ammo?"

So this one, I hope, addresses those former deficiencies, and augments the bird-sanctuary ambience of the standoff. That slow-flying dove had better watch its feathery little back. Surely it's a spy for Obama! Such corrupt Democratic symbols won't be tolerated on sacred American ground.

Oh all right, just ONE more. . . 

  Visit Margaret's Amazon Author Page!

Some great literary porn

You wouldn't normally associate E. L. Doctorow's classic novel Ragtime (profusely adapted for both stage and screen) with eroticism. Would you? I don't know. Maybe. When I first read it, whenever that was (and you can tell something by the way the pages of my paperback copy have turned not yellow, but brown), a certain passage stuck in my head. So did a few others, and all of them had to do with sex.

Not that Doctorow is a pornographer or even an especially sensual writer, though he does have his moments. His strength is describing what's right in front of him, and I seldom feel his characters' hearts beating. But once in a while. . . 

Doctorow is a notorious name-dropper in this thing and keeps on referring to the movers and shakers of the day, people like Henry Ford, Harry Houdini, Admiral Peary, and - most notably - two women, famous or even infamous for very different reasons. I don't know much about Emma Goldman except that she was an anarchist and a rabble-rouser, and had a face like a rail fence. Evelyn Nesbit was considered a scarlet woman and spent her evenings sitting around on a red velvet swing while men looked her up, or is it the other way around? 

I won't even try to navigate the ambitions of this book, because they are just so extreme. A novel is always a reduction of reality, but reducing this gigantic sprawl of history to any sort of pages is pretty remarkable, that is, without freeze-drying and removing all the juices in the process.

This passage has juices. It's just the kind of scene that my mind wanders to when.  . . oh hell, who has sexual fantasies at my age anyway? Life is full of surprises. I thought things would sort of dry up at menopause, but instead, wow, wowsa, wowsy, wow-wow-wow-wow!

So I still enjoy imagining scenes, toying with characters, even writing the stuff myself (see: The Glass Character, which has its share of erotic moments while Muriel Ashford hopelessly throbs for her dear, distant, impossible amour). The "explosive" conclusion of this scene is such a surprise that it initially kind of shocked me. I know men of that era were supposed to be almost as chaste as women, but I don't imagine too many of them could manage it.

I love costume dramas, the ones that go on in my head I mean, and I love Victorian and Edwardian scenes because the women's gowns are just ravishing, making practically anyone look graceful and beautiful, and are at the same time mortal prisons. It appeals to my innate sense of masochism. But wouldn't all those layers be perversely exciting? A man might have to take a course of study to undress his wife on his wedding night (and by the way, have you ever thought of this? In the past, a good many people, both men and women, knew nothing at all about the sex act when they married. And yet, they had these huge families. They must've figured it out, but how good was it? I mean, for her? Oh Jesus, just read the excerpt!)

Though it's not likely they ever met, Doctorow has fun with an erotically-charged encounter between Emma Goldman and Evelyn Nesbit. Writers can move the chess-pieces around any way they want, and manipulate their women figures like so many helpless dolls. One wonders if the author reacted anything like Mother's Younger Brother.

  Visit Margaret's Amazon Author Page!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

"Cleanse that taco!" The taco cleanse diet

The Taco Cleanse Is a Real Diet — and Involves Eating Tacos All Day

01/04/2016 AT 01:31 PM ET


Now, here’s a cleanse we can get behind.

Thanks to the self-proclaimed “taco scientists” and authors of the new book The Taco Cleanse, there’s finally a new trendy diet plan that aligns with our kind of New Year’s resolution.

Creators Wes Allison, Stephanie Bogdanich, Molly R. Frisinger and Jessica Morris developed the book after eating tacos for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 30 days straight—and are encouraging others to do the same.

RELATED: Alex Guarnaschelli Blogs: Win Taco Tuesday with These Garlic Shrimp and Avocado Tacos

The scientists provide all the necessities for following a taco-based lifestyle including five recipes for tortillas (there’s a waffle version!), over 35 vegan recipes for fillings and all the fixings to compliment them.

While the detox plan doesn’t promise weight loss, there are plenty of other benefits.

“A taco consumed within three hours of waking, colloquially called a ‘breakfast taco,’ has been anecdotally proven to erase the ill effects of the previous night’s toxic indulgence. A midday taco frequently results in more positive physical effects,” reads the book. “The spicy taco consumed prior to sleep stimulates the nocturnal imagination and has been used by taco spiritualists to induce prophetic dreams.”

RELATED: These Celebrities Love Tacos Just as Much as You Do

So is the Taco Cleanse right for you? If the debut of the taco emoji was the highlight of your 2015, it’s safe to say the answer is definitely yes.

—Ana Calderone, @anacalderone

Blogger's stupid comments. Oh I don't know. Whatever somebody tells me to do, I do the opposite - write an erudite, interesting blog (no, write THIS one!); eat veggies (eat garbage). Get a dog (get a cat). So if someone tells me to eat tacos all day long for no discernible reason (they admit it doesn't help you lose weight), what am I going to do? Eat an anti-taco? Anti-eat a taco? (Don't want to think about that one!). Eat an ocat? Coat? Toca? Acot? Oact? Cato? Ctao? Tao C? O, act? A cot? O, cat? And other things.

Today I left a comment on someone's Facebook page. There was an article posted called Four Steps to Keeping A Safe and Tidy Blog, or something like that - distressingly bland. I said in my comment that I thought the most important thing about blogging was to post an entry every day, so the thing doesn't run down, lie fallow or crap out. The response was, "no, I don't think you should post EVERY day because you need time to work on your poetry, novel, or non-fiction book."

Having jumped into the macerator three times, and come away with less self-esteem each time, I am convinced I DO know how to write, but don't know how to successfully publish/sell books, which is what it all comes down to. No one ever mentions this on FB. All these aspiring writers just assume that when they finally finish their masterpiece, it will leap up on top of the New York Times Bestseller List all by itself. No, really - NO one seems to worry about getting an agent or a publisher or any of those tiring, tawdry things.

I hereby retire. I mean it. I will NEVER try to publish again because I am not made of the stuff that succeeds at it. I am tired of being steadily siphoned of my sense of self-worth. From now on, I write whatever dravel (blather and drivel?) I want to write, and I promise myself I will stay away from brick walls. I am 62 years old, not getting any younger, and have had my fill of humiliation.

'Scuse me while I kiss this taco.

(Post-post. Although! I will gladly sign a movie deal for Harold, and even write the film adaptation if someone will help me with it.)

Some awesome!


Dear Universe. It's Margaret here, a. k. a. The Glass Character. Now listen up. I know you're the centre of everything, in fact you encompass everything that is, was, and ever shall be. Your bounds are limitless and your scope and breadth are unknown. But I know you have time for me and what I want today: and what I want today is "some awesome"! 

Never mind that no one really knows what "some awesome" means. I am totally open to it! I believe the Universe grants my every wish because I am the centre of it. Not just the world, the solar system, the galaxy, etc.: THE UNIVERSE. Everything that exists in all Creation is here to serve me, and me alone, and I am "totally open" to having the sum total of everything that exists serve up "some awesome" for me today.

I don't even have to ask. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The $52,000.00 blankie


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Red Heart Plush Baby Yarn-Blueberry
by Red Heart
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Only 3 left in stock.
Ships from and sold by Histore CA.
1 new from CDN $ 5,272.03
Red Heart NOM060580 Plush Baby Yarn, Blueberry
Weight 0.07 Kg
Price per each SKU# NOM060580

No kidding. This is how much wants for a ball of blankie wool. Used to be $3.00 or $4.00, but then, like all the materials I love to work with, it has been discontinued and is rare as the dodo. I'd need about ten of them, I'd say.

But only a dodo would buy this. 

Dumbest thing I ever saw on Facebook? We'll see

X-ray of dislocation -12/17/13. MRI showed torn supraspinatus tendon, axial nerve damage, possible tear in labrum but won't know until they operate Jan. 22, 2014

Without any fanfare or explanation, someone posted an x-ray of their dislocated shoulder on Facebook. We don't know why. Even more incredible is the fact that this was re-posted TWO YEARS LATER. We never found out why. To what purpose? To brag about/show off an injury? To get us all thinking just what a dislocated shoulder might mean in philosophical terms (being pulled in different directions - oh my!)? To get attention, do you think? Oooohs and ahhhhs of sympathy (which of course worked)? This is worse than posting pictures of your food, which to me makes about as much sense as posting pictures of your bowel movements. Maybe that's next. How about used surgical sponges? THAT would be nice.

Possible poster? We really don't know. But I want a zipper like that.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Pee Wee Herman: the Bill Cosby Connection

Reubens' 1991 arrest

In July 1991, while visiting relatives, Reubens was arrested in Sarasota, Florida, for masturbating publicly in an adult theater. Detectives would periodically visit pornographic theaters and observe the audience, arresting those engaged in indecent exposure. Reubens had not been in character for a year and a half, but because CBS was still running reruns of Pee-wee's Playhouse, Reubens' infamous mug shot, which did not depict the clean-cut look Reubens had shown for the last decade, shocked the public, and many thought that the show had been canceled due to the arrest.

The arrest was widely covered, and both the character Pee-wee and Reubens became the subject of ridicule. CBS stopped airing Playhouse and Disney-MGM Studios suspended from its studio tour a video that showed Pee-wee explaining how voice-over tracks were made and Toys-R-Us removed Pee-wee toys from its stores. However, his voice work in Disney's Star Tours was not replaced.

Despite the negative publicity, many artists who knew Reubens, such as Cyndi Lauper, Annette Funicello, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Valeria Golino, spoke out in his support. Bill Cosby defended Reubens, saying "Whatever (Reubens has) done, this is being blown all out of proportion". Other people who knew Reubens, such as Playhouse's production designer Gary Panter, S. Epatha Merkerson and Big Top Pee-wee director Randal Kleiser, also spoke out against the way Reubens was being treated by the media.

Reubens's fans also organized rallies of support after CBS canceled the scheduled reruns, with several dozens of "Pee-weeites" picketing in Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco.The general public also appeared to sympathize with Reubens – the TV newsmagazine A Current Affair received "tens of thousands" of responses to a Pee-wee telephone survey, with callers supporting Reubens with a 9-to-1 majority. He remained in a state of shock for weeks and was haunted by the arrest for several years, refusing to give interviews or appear on talk shows. - Wikipedia

Blogger's blather. I posted this admittedly-weak post because the line about Bill Cosby jumped out at me. It jumped out at me because - no, I can't refer to the pot calling the kettle black. But it's something like that.

When you think about it, though, why do people even GO to adult theatres? For the popcorn? Why do cops hang around adult theatres waiting to make an arrest as soon as they see a guy with his hand on his dick? Why do they bother, when there are assholes like Bill Cosby drugging and raping women for DECADES, and getting away with it?

People may have found the image of a children's entertainer whacking off in a porn theatre unsavory. That's because it is. I don't really want to think about ANYBODY whacking off ANYWHERE, which is not to say I am "against" it. I just don't want to think about it.

On a similar subject (or maybe not). This is one man's confession of sin before he joined Scientology. Obviously, they're pretty strict about what constitutes perversion. I don't think burning yourself with matches or jabbing yourself in the butt is the sin here. It's - God, I can't even SAY it! NO ONE does that, do they? I mean, EVER.

Royal Canadian Men's Historical Society and Masturbation Club, circa 1897

(NOW we know how that guy dislocated his shoulder.)

That lovin' rag

Everybody do the Michigan Rag
Everybody likes the Michigan Rag
Every Mame and Jane and Ruth
From Weehawken to Duluth
Slide, ride, glide the Michigan
Stomp, romp, pomp the Michigan
Jump, clump, pump the Michigan Rag
That lovin' rag!