Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Am I a sitting duck?

I have come to the conclusion that it is business as usual with my channel, which is why I am back to the fluffy ducks and trying NOT to look at views. For one thing, I HAD to get off the Gypsy Rose thing, which was turning pretty sickening anyway. Once more I was having comments taken down with threats that my channel would be terminated. So I went back and deleted all my comments (or at least I tried - who knows if they actually deleted) going back to February, when I first started commenting on the story. I deleted my watch history a couple of times and then re-built it to deliberately throw off the YouTube vultures. So, onward, no matter what I get or don't.

I am convinced certain people (Meghan Markle and Gypsy being the worst) have  a form of special protection that renders them pretty much untouchable. In MM's case it is the fact that Harry is a blood prince forever, no matter how dastardly his actions (as witness the way Prince Andrew is still performing his royal duties as if nothing has happened). Thus MM falls under the same corrupt umbrella. 

With GRB it's a little more complicated. She got a very sweet plea deal based on her "abuse story", most of which turned out to be bogus. But it was a political thing. No one will vote for a man who dares misbelieve the harrowing tale of a fragile little girl forced to endure unnecessary medical treatments while bound in a wheelchair (though that "fragile little girl" turned out to be 23 years old and completely able-bodied, and somehow strong enough to hack her mother's body to death with a fishing knife.) 

But due to her elaborate web of  lies and how the media  ate it up for so many years, it's set, it's fixed, and due to double jeopardy there is no turning back. She has "paid her debt", serving 8 years in what amounted to a college dorm while her autistic accomplice rots in a Rikers Island-style prison for the rest of his life. 

So in what way might commenting on this story hurt ME? I can see it now. It's that aura of protection which sets up a network of minions to watch ALL the comments on ALL the videos, filing multiple complaints against one creator which can quite easily bring about the end of the channel. It happened to a frightening degree with MM, and with GRB the stakes are much higher due to the fact she's famous  for hacking her mother's body to pieces with a knife used to clean and gut fish. Those seventeen stabs were mostly her doing.

The MM debacle caused some completely innocent people to be banned from YouTube for life, just for telling the truth. With GRB, the stakes are enormously higher because there is a murder involved, and now the scummy little rat who committed it is pregnant and swanning around in triumph while the world fawns at her feet.

Well, no, not really. But this is the ONLY place it is safe for me to write about  this story, as even Facebook  puts me at risk. And it is the last time I am going to say anything about it.