Wednesday, November 11, 2015

In pain? ANY kind of pain? Shut the fxxx up and TAKE THIS!

This spiel (below) was taken from a Facebook forum about fibromyalgia. Along with the stories from (mostly) women who had lived with this condition for years and tried everything to ease it, there was this block of advice, not asked for, and (I hope) not taken by anyone. It starts off on an "I used to be like you, I understand your pain" level, the usual insincere patronizing bullshit. (Yes, I used to be "like you" -  an unenlightened loser who was obviously the cause of her own distress.) But keep reading, and you'll see the deeper meaning of this thing. It's an ad, folks, and that's all it is.

There will always be someone holding out The Cure, but the way to test their sincerity is to figure out what's in it for them. And if you think they just want to share their good fortune with the world, think again. They're really after your bucks. Don't fall for it. And don't EVER dump your meds because one of these clueless people says you "should"! Meds can be a glorious gift from God, I'm here to tell you, and probably saved my life more times than I can count. "Use" is not "abuse", and it's time people stopped equating the two.

I have had Fibro for 20 years. I know what you are suffering with. I had gotten to the point that I only did what I had to to get thru the day. I turned down doing things with my family because I hurt too bad. I have tried several prescription meds like Lyrica, Neurontin, cymbalta just to name a few. I have tried supplements, physical therapy and chiropractic and nothing ever worked. I have tried diets as well to help with the inflammation in my body. My friend recently introduced me to a company called Plexus Worldwide. It is a health and wellness company that provides natural products that help with many medical issues including Fibromyalgia. I was very skeptical even coming from one of my good friends. Nothing else had worked so why would this product. After several months of my friend telling me about this product o decided to try it. The products that I started with is Triplex and it has 3 products in it. One is a Slim drink packet that you mix with water and taste like a cherry drink. The second is Probio5. It puts the good stuff back into your gut the third one is Biocleanse which detoxes your gut. 

Most diseases are started due to poor gut health. Plexus products regulates your sugar levels, decreases the inflammation in your body, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, decreases inflammation, gives you energy, decreases cravings for sugar and carbs, helps with sleep, and as an added bonus can promote weight loss. It is an amazing product. I have been taking Plexus for 2 months and I am feeling the best I have in years. My Fibro pain is gone, my inflammation is gone, I am sleeping so much better, I have lost my cravings for diet coke and junk, I have been able to stop taking Lyrica and Neurontin, I have ton of energy, I love to keep busy, enjoying my family again and my list could probably go on and on. The best part is that I have my life back. I have lost 22 lbs plus 5 1/4 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my hips. I feel great. I would love for you to check out Plexus because I know it could help you with your Fibro. Plexus has a 60 day money back guarantee which you can't beat. You have nothing to loose but you may just get your life back. Plexus is sold on my website at (xxxxx) and you can email me at (xxxxx). Please look over the information on my website and contact me if you have any questions.

OK, so you probably know by now that I get incensed by some of the stuff that appears on Facebook. Though I've never had fibromyalgia, I know a number of people who do, and one of the WORST things you can do to a person in that situation is give gratuitous advice, particularly about what they're doing wrong to bring on the condition and what they should be doing right to cure it.

Invariably, like this voluminous spiel (name left out, I don't know why I don't just leave these in and let these assholes twist in the wind), there's a link to a personal web site dedicated to selling The Product that will make all this pain and anguish just go away. Like the snake oil of old, it is "good for man or beast", as well as oiling machinery and defending the free world, and guaranteed to devastate anyone who just needs someone to listen to them for a change. I don't think people with chronic conditions are looking for the anodyne of the week, nor are they thirsting for that ONE true link that will take them to the magical (non-pharmaceutical, of course) substance that will make everything all right again.

Several times in the past year I've had emails from people I know - or thought I knew - and the sum total of the "message" is a link to some herbal weight-loss scheme that no doubt works as well as all the rest of them (i. e. if it works so well, why is there another one next month or next week?) What sort of mailing list am I on, anyway? How anonymous and random is it, or is it somehow "targeted" (that lovely marketing term, which is used all the time now - but think about it. What is a "target" anyway? Think of "target practice", bows and arrows, etc.)? I even flirted with the notion that "somebody" thought I needed a weight loss supplement. But I KNOW I don't need it now because I just lost a substantial amount of weight. But I'm not here to Share My Secret, sell you anything or hang out a shingle. I lost weight because I ate less.

Almost no one knows how to receive another's pain. But one way NOT to do it is, "Oh, yes, I used to be like you. I used to have what you have. But everything changed when I dumped all my prescription drugs, embraced a much healthier way of life (implying that the sufferers aren't really trying and their attitude is dragging them down) and started taking xxxxx. All my symptoms went away and now I have tons of energy and a wonderful life!" The defense for this sort of obnoxious attitude is a "huh? Hey, I was only trying to help!" No, you were not.  You were shoring up your insecurity by trumpeting your conversion (and these things really do have the flavour of a religious awakening) to a Whole New Way of Life, usually available for $39.99 (for a whole months' supply! Order now), which is, just coincidentally, for sale on YOUR web site. No doubt these mercenaries sift through health-related Facebook pages/posts trying to find vulnerable people/potential customers, and no doubt move on quickly when somebody bites back (which they hardly ever do: everyone is afraid to talk back to these types, it seems).

Real compassion isn't "hey, I used to be like you" or even (as I got once, from someone who really should have known better, "When I look at you, Margaret, I think: there but for the grace of God go I"). It's having the guts and the grace and the humanity to listen without judgement, to accept that person's reality, and the self-esteem NOT to have to strut your stuff and constantly prove how much better you are. This is the realm of the fragile, but it's also the province of the greedy and heartless. These products sell like mad and seem to garner all sorts of testimonials, but who knows who writes them. Meantime, if someone shares their pain with you, ANY kind of pain, feel honoured, and don't say "I used to be like you, but then I wised up. If you want to fix it, here's what you should do."
(If you'd like to see what this woman is hawking, just click on the pink link below.)


And here, a sensible retort from a woman who has had enough of this B. S.:

Please!!!!! Stop posting crap here. Water????? Seriously? A ph balance is the cause? Gees someone give this moron the Nobel prize. There are a few too many quacks here giving advice like get rid of meds? Without mine you might as well bury me now.

A post to the post: I've done a bit of digging, and this woman's blurb for Plexus Worldwide, which has a frighteningly Brave New World-ish sound to it, appears all over the place on Facebook. . . verbatim. It never varies. Buried among all the authentic comments, it still sticks out like a sore thumb, except for that phony "I've been there" at the beginning, a fake attempt to "identify" and disguise the blatant pitch. I wouldn't be surprised if it appears with only the name of the disease changed. I left a couple of comments, to which she replied "???". I don't think she understands what I am talking about. Can the phony "I used to be like you until I saw the light" crap. I don't even care if you were. Just can it.

Now here is a REALLY interesting response, praising my piece on gratuitous advice/self-serving sales pitches. What really gets me is that these people seem oblivious to the fact that they are neatly proving my theory.

Hi Margaret, I'm Marianne with Personal Capital, and I really love how much of yourself you share with your readers. The fibro post was great by the way and I totally agree with you on how annoying those salespeople are!! :)

I was surprised to learn from a recent CNBC article that only 53% of us working-age women have started planning for retirement compared to 65% of our male peers!

I'd love for you to pick a female friend or family member to showcase in a post on your blog as a female financial role model. Maybe she writes a grocery list before shopping to fit her budget, or started walking to work to save money on gas.

Small decisions like these really add up over time and help people save for retirement. I think this would be inspirational for women reading your post who may not have a strong female role model, and haven't thought much about saving money for retirement.

Please let me know if you're interested and I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Through October and November, we will be sharing some of our favorite posts on Twitter and Facebook, where we have over 10,000 followers each. I hope to see yours :)

Marianne Ahlmann

You know, this really makes sense to me. Obviously she loves my blog, and loves the way I rat out scammers. So. . . I hereby nominate ME as a financial role model (or roll model - I make good rolls, try to roll with the punches, and have rolled the dice that this will expose the kind of obtuseness and greed that drives mega-corporations).

I have more to say about all this, as my good friend Matt Paust has exposed Plexus Worldwide for what it really is. You can guess from the name that it's worse than Scamway, and my suspicion of the "good for man and beast" nature of their products is correct. This includes the infamous Pink Drink which guarantees dramatic weight loss in only a few days, but is likely the same product that cures fibromyalgia (which the sales rep claims to have). No doubt she also used to weigh 300 pounds, but after a few chug-a-lugs of Pink Drink is now 112.

Meantime, here's lots more, including an entire blog on the subject! Just click on the"pink links" below.

"Just one more thing. . . " I'm starting to feel like Columbo today.

It's a boggy landscape in Plexusland. You have to be extremely careful what you believe. My third "pink link" (above)  seemed to be solely devoted to debunking the mysterious Plexus Pink Drink, the one that doesn't actually help anybody lose weight, but after scrolling through about 20 pages, the author's tone began to subtly change.

No longer was she ranting about Plexus and posting "REAL" (negative) reviews, which she may well have written herself. Now she seemed to be hinting that yes, indeed, there was a secret to permanent weight loss, but you had to keep reading to find out what it was.

And reading. and reading. This site had all sorts of gimmicky charts and pictures and things, the strangest being a person stuck to a wall. As you scrolled down and scrolled down, the "science" of this secret was laid out in agonizing detail, but at a certain point you began to feel the subtle tug-tug of a hook.

Yes, a hook. In the form of a book.

This "debunker" whose life mission it was to discredit the pink slime/scam was selling a book about the REAL secret of weight loss. The cover was a blatant ripoff of the ". . . For Dummies" series, but it was amateurish enough that it looked self-published. I didn't stick around long enough to see how much it cost.

She has the One True Religion, see. You don't need to drink anything. You don't need to DO anything. But you do need to buy something. And though this didn't quite look like the pyramid/Ponzi scheme pushed by Plexus, it had a feeling of "wait, there's more" - another little hook, ONE more thing you needed to do, to buy, to believe in, in order to help you achieve your lifetime goals of fitness, health and longevity.

Conclusion and Guidance

All in all, Plexus Slim MIGHT work for a minor few. We don't know who these 'few' people are. It might be you, yes, it might work for you. But do you really want to spend $115/month for the next 6 months to find out?
AND that's not even the bad part, the worst part is: Do you want to risk all the side effects mentioned here?

I am sure if you're sane, the answer's A BIG NO!

So a better alternative for the sane:

Update: June 22 !

You can now find out if Plexus Slim is specifically right for you.

Just choose the right answers for the 6 questions below & find out if Plexus is right for YOU...

1. What's your age?

50 or above

Note: If you are below 20, you shouldn't even be here!


You DO NOT need Plexus to get fit, healthy, lose fat or {insert-any-of-your-desire-here!}

Each one of us is different. You ARE truly unique.

Your body, your metabolism, literally everything is distinctive about you.

So the hope of "one-drink-cures-all" is one of the silliest myths, and these "recurring monthly billing" product companies make a fortune off it!

What you actually need is…

Huh? What does that mean?

That image hides the best kept secret of the entire fitness industry... a secret these companies will protect more than anything, and prevent you from finding about it...

But wait a sec... what the he** does that Spiderman like guy got to do with your weight!?

I explain it in this next post…


(By the way, the "right answers" to the above quasi-quiz all take you to the same page saying Plexus is poison, and the only answer to your weight problems is to buy the book.)

  Visit Margaret's Amazon Author Page!

Night sky in 14 takes

I must be a frustrated animator, for every once in a while I am taken over by the urge to make something move.

I found a set of old photos of San Francisco, and wondered what I could do with them. This one seemed to have the least potential because it was relatively plain, but I thought I'd give it a go.

I ended up tinkering with it all evening. It turned out to be a very good subject because most of it was background or foreground. The building, figures and car were the filling in the sandwich and remained consistent while everything else changed. Black and white always works best for these gif-related experiments because figures stand out in a strange kind of 3D.

These started out fairly conservatively, then I got bored and started experimenting more with the foreground. Some of the animations wrapped around nicely. Some didn't come out as I designed them, at all. This is a primitive program, it's a Blingee, for God's sake, so it isn't supposed to be very sophisticated.

As I went on, these became stranger, then gloomier and more dystopian, and, finally, apocalyptic. As I finished this set, it struck midnight and I heard the most heart-chilling sound outside the window. It was pitch-black out there and raining hard. I heard a weird, trilling, screaming sound like something out of a horror-movie, a dozen different cold-blooded voices in an unhuman choir that isn't tame and doesn't belong in a city. I recognized it as the pack of coyotes that lurk and slink around singly during the day, then congregate at night to send up an unearthly squealing moan. This is why people still insist on believing in ghosts and demons and the supernatural. Weirdness surrounds us; it's just on the other side of the curtain.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I need to keep sharing this - please listen to it

RIARRRRRWWW!! Don't mess with Leon

Outfoxed! Fearless cat turns guard dog as he chases intruder off his land

Leon the Norwegian Forest Cat outfoxed his furry rival
The cat chased an intruding fox off his owner's land in Norway


PUBLISHED: 08:16 GMT, 9 October 2013 | UPDATED: 11:03 GMT, 9 October 2013

History tells us that Vikings are not ones to cross, a lesson hard learned by this fox who dared tresspass on the land of a Norwegian Forest Cat.

Leon the cat did not take lightly to the wild fox approaching his owner's bins and looked more like a mountain lion as he launched himself after the intruding predator.

Leon had no problem showing the fox who was boss, and swiftly chased the fox off his owner's property in Troms, northern Norway.

Supercat: There is no mistaking the fear in the fox's eyes as he realises he has messed with the wrong cat

Leon the lion: The cat dashed after the fox with the fearlessness of a much larger feline and chased it down

Outfoxed: The fox bitterly regretted his decision to ever come near Leon's owner's bins

Owner Evy Hind, 48, caught the moment Leon turned guard cat outside her house, using lightning speed to run down the fox.

It is clear the fox was in no mood to mess with this killer cat as he quickly sprinted off.

Evy was enjoying her morning coffee on the porch when the drama unfolded.

She said four-year-old Leon has always been known for being a bit of a grumpy cat, not afraid to throw his weight around to get his way.

The terrified Mr Fox: The fox appears to be barking for mercy as Leon nips at his tail as to get him off the grass outside his owner's house in Troms, Norway

Closing in: It takes a pretty brave creature to stand up to Leon - and this fox was not among them

Off he goes: The fox runs as fast as his legs can carry him with Leon at his heels

Protector of the realm: Norwegian Forest Cat Leon looks on as the fox runs off into the distance

The housewife said: ‘Leon chased and followed the fox that came into our yard, he doesn't like foxes and they went at it like cats and dogs.

‘With his big hair Leon obviously looks pretty scary because the fox which was bigger than him was obviously scared of a fight.

‘The fox came into his territory so Leon went into battle mode, I ended up having a super morning with a cup of coffee and my camera.’

Leon is a Norwegian Forest Cat, a breed known for its lion-like features and long hair. Is the breed's name alludes, it is especially adapted to live in the cold Norse climate with its long hair and sturdy body.

It is thought its ancestors served as mouse catchers on Viking ships and that the modern Norwegian Forest Cat's ancestors are the 'mountain-dwelling fairy cat' referred to in Norse legends.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Facebook: yet another riveting post

(Names removed to protect ME. I just cannot figure out why any sane person would discuss this on Facebook!)

     I got sized for new bras over the weekend... because weight fluctuates/moves. I went to a small locally owned lingerie company that sells super nice bras for every size and the new ones are so comfortable... but I only bought 3 because (of course) they're really too expensive to buy more than that at one time. Three bras covers most of my needs, but philosophical question (asked as I fold laundry) how many sizes to the side should I keep as extras? Currently my collection has four different sizes--and the new ones make a fifth... le sigh.

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     The struggle is real. If they are more than a cup size off donate them. Lots of domestic violence shelters really need bras, so that's one way to get rid of them.
    But seriously, by the time I can afford the number of bras I would actually like I've already changed sizes again. I know there are some people out there who are the same size for years but... not me.

     It's been a fortunate life, I've worn the same size bra for 45 years, since I was 20


   I know that feel. I think I went up a cup size every year at Hamp.

  Yep, mind I didn't get my first bra until I was seventeen and then only one.....

   So the theory is you're supposed to have a few so that the elastic can bounce back before the next wear (you don't have to wash bras every time you wear them). Then I like a light one, a dark one, a few pretty ones to make me feel good on silly days, and a strapless one... Which adds up to like 5 or 6 in optimum rotation.
    I bought 10 pairs at half price, $30 each and still have three pairs not yet worn, all colours, satin and Lacey pretty ones, when I wash them I make sure they are washed in a bra bag and are hung by the under length with two soft pressure pegs

Facebook: just because we care

"Margaret, we care about you and the memories you share here," says Facebook to me on a desolate Monday. The notice just appears out of nowhere, popping up and interrupting my news feed. So they post something from two years ago that they assume I would want to see again.

Well, I think I'll go on living, folks, knowing somebody "cares about me" and the memories I share here. The thing they thought I'd like to look back on from two years ago was a chart which illustrated the inbreeding of Charles II of Spain, with a family tree in which half his relatives were either first cousins or uncle-niece combinations. 

It gave me a warm and lint-covered feeling to realize that Facebook cared enough - yes, CARED enough about me individually, as a person, to carefully select this damp and frothy memory. No doubt their loving, even tender choice revealed much about me, someone who shares special, nay, irreplaceable memories with her many thousands of Facebook friends on a daily or perhaps hourly or even moment-by-moment basis. But even more caring are all those ads for Walmart which they keep blasting in my face twenty times a day. Nice to know they're thinking of me as a potential market for corporate advertising - not just now, but always.

When I deleted this thing, a notice came up in bold type that said, "We're sorry, we know we don't always get it right." I heard muffled sobbing in the background. Or is that just the ever-present hum of the Facebook engine? Whatever, the statement was designed to produce a little twinge of bad feeling, something that would stay with you all day and just blight your joy a little, a sense you'd somehow been insensitive and done something gratuitously hurtful and wrong. 

Don't worry, the good folks at Facebook are apologetic and contrite, and just beating themselves up for doing this to you - but hey, didn't they do it just to please you, to make your day a little brighter? So if you don't appreciate their honest efforts to cheer you and make you a welcome part of Facebook Nation, doesn't that say something about YOU? Did you ever stop to think what a shit you are?



Sunday, November 8, 2015

The quiz show that ate my brain

There's something fascinating about worsts, especially when they think they're pretty good, or at least passable. God knows how I fall into these things, but this one had something to do with landing on a site full of FREE old movies (and another sister site with hundreds of FREE old TV shows), and finding myself at the very bottom of the failed-TV-pilot barrel.

I quickly discovered that this had been on YouTube for quite a long time, though I was the first to leave a comment. I think everyone else was just too stunned. This bizarre thing is an attempt to cash in on the wild popularity of quiz shows in the 1950s: To Tell The Truth, I've Got a Secret, What's My Line, etc. These involved people like Gary Moore and Durward Kirby making quips and holding up pieces of cardboard while a bell went DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING (I never could figure out if the DINGDINGDING was good or bad, but maybe that's because I was three), while Kitty Carlisle snuggled in white furs and rattled her jewellery. 

In other words, panel shows, the good ones at least, were popular, all in good fun, and even, sometimes, had a touch of class. Bennett Cerf might show up, or Noel Coward, or - oh no, not Noel Coward.

So someone - someone had an idea, an awful idea, for a quiz show that was such a mess that after three or four viewings I still can't figure out what it is supposed to be about. Really, it's about nothing, and about five minutes in, the panellists begin to realize this fact and laugh wildly and make lame remarks to cover the awkward silence. Never has a 26-minute show lasted so many years. 

As far as I can make out, the host of the show has brought in his next-door neighbor, probably for free, so that he can function as an Artist. The Artist is supposed to draw a picture in only ten lines. He draws a line, then gives it to the first panelist who copies it, who then hands it to the next panelist who copies it, who - yes, I know it sounds pointless because it is. It is just jeezly bad, from the outset. 

Eventually you end up with an incoherent mess of bad drawings with dumb captions. The panelists seem to have been chosen at random - a horse-teethed woman with an ear-shattering laugh, a guy who looks like he's straight out of an SCTV parody, a - but,  my God, who's this sitting on the end?

As with so many of these ancient TV treasures, there is, after all, someone on this dog of a show who would go on to be world-famous. And I'm not going to tell you who he is, so there. You have to watch. His presence seems to float, Buddha-like, above the seething swill of bad TV brewing below. He says some truly funny things that drop like shot pigeons because no one is paying attention to the budding comic genius in their midst. They're too busy screaming with fake laughter and making ugly and meaningless squiggles on sheets of paper.

It becomes truly dada-ist at the end of the show when the loser of a moderator starts yammering about how the folks at home are going to want to participate in this fiasco. Sitting there copying a line, then handing it to someone who copies a line, then. . . until no picture is produced. He displays special pads of paper the audience is supposed to buy for this purpose, which they are supposed to then "scotch-tape to the TV screen". You may now scream.

The sight of the (inexplicable - why is he there?) gum-chewing piano player, the awkward crowd standing around as if at a surreal cocktail party, and the producer - I guess that's who he is - nakedly pitching the show to sponsors in the ugliest manner possible - what can I say about this? I think it was Jackie Gleason, about whom I have mixed feelings, who hosted a game show that lasted exactly one episode. It too was about "art", but was called, I think, You're In the Picture (I'll try to find it, I'm sure YouTube has it somewhere). Celebrities had to stick their heads through holes in a fake painting, then ask panellists questions about what painting they were in - or something. Awful, awful.

At least Jackie had the magnanimity/humility to come on the air the next night and offer an apology that lasted one hour. He felt really badly about You're In the Picture and wanted everyone to know it. That kind of candour is rare now. Whatever you do, you cover your ass. You "lawyer up". If you fail, you go around saying "there are no failures" and "failures are the only way to learn". No one picked up this pilot, and I am sure very few potential sponsors even watched it all the way through to that tacky pitch at the end. I can see them puffing away on cigarettes and watching five minutes of it and saying. "OK, Mel, we're done on this one" or something, or "Next?" I can see the panellists slinking away without making eye contact, or maybe making fanning motions to each other as if to dispel a particularly sulphurous fart. I wonder if I could get into the head of that unrecognized comic genius, what he really thought of the whole mess. I have a feeling he saw it as just another gig, a way to get some exposure so that maybe, one day, he could do some real television.

Which, I assure you, is what finally came to pass.

(From Internet Archive)

Pass the Line (1954 unsold television pilot)

Published 1954
Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0
Topics Lame, Crap, WTF, 1950s, 50s, Fifties, Classic TV, Television, Game Show,Panel Show, Unsold Pilot, Unsold TV Pilot, Unsold Television Pilot,

Here's something so bad it makes "Queen for a Day" look like "Masterpiece Theatre". It is an unsold television pilot from 1954, for a game show called "Pass the Line" in which an artist slowly draws a picture in ten steps, and each step is copied by a panel of "celebrities". At the end of the incredibly awful pilot, the host and some other guy directly speak to the networks telling them why they should pick up the series (easily the best part of the pilot).

Run time 27 minutes 17 seconds
Production Company Cliff Saber Productions
Audio/Visual sound, black and white

Comments and Reviews

I'm a game show lover as well, but there's really no play-along element for the viewers -- it's just watching people copy lines of a drawing. Sure, it has the "shout at the TV" factor, but it's more along the lines of "This sucks!"

This has to be seen to be believed. This is the only thing Cliff Saber has done and it’s easy to see why.

WOW! I'm a gameshow fanatic & this piece of tripe was possibly the WORST I've ever encountered. 

BTW, Joe MacCarthy, the piano guy was there to entertain the audience---there would have been one if this had been picked up by a network---while the game paused for station identification and/or commercials.

This program is so bad, like a car wreck, you can't help but feel compelled to watch it.

The host realizes his creation is dying (while he's doing it). He constantly tries to speed up the "celebs"

During the filming of this pilot, you can hear the sounds of the traffic outside of the "studio". Without any doubt this is the most interesting part of this show.

The show is so bad even the dog walks out.

  Visit Margaret's Amazon Author Page!