Showing posts with label anmations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anmations. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2024


About all I can do to cope with the whole Trump mess is turn it into cartoons. It's fun, until I see another video where he blathers on incoherently to WILD applause. The less sense he makes, the louder and more strident their cheers. Reminds me of the guy with the moustache, who was cheered whatever he said, the more demented the better.  

I've given up on views, honestly I have, though I'm still posting nearly every day just because I enjoy actually making content. I think my time of decent views is permanently over, and that makes no sense to me either. But here we are. After thirteen years of loving effort, it's basically over. My channel grew until it inexplicably died. I have no idea if YouTube really has turned off the tap, but I suspect it's true, as my subscriber count continues to rise steadily, and every day I get MANY comments and likes on my old ones. 

So there's that.