Showing posts with label Kamala Harris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kamala Harris. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Kiffness - Eating the Cats ft. Donald Trump (Debate Remix)

Kiffness has done some brilliant things, and one of his songs actually makes me cry (every time), but this one was downright therapeutic. The split-screen is especially effective - and hilarious. I try so hard to get away from all this shytte, and of course I can't! There is such a long way to go before the vote, and I keep wondering how much lower he can go. But at least we can mock him, and brace ourselves for the next bout of lunacy/lies.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

No. It CAN'T be. But it is! Trump supporters hit bizarre new low.

I'd say "now I've seen everything", but I'm not sure I have. This news item was all over the alternative news sources, though the mainstream is still approaching it very gingerly. You can add this to his supporters wearing fake ear bandages, diapers (since he is rumored to be incontinent), and even - astonishingly - tshirts that proclaim they support this CONVICTED FELON and are going to vote for him.

I haven't followed American politics in a long time, and now I wish I hadn't started. My husband used to give me regular reports on what Trump was up to, and I groaned and waved them away. Then something happened: YouTube (which is still trying to destroy my channel even as we speak) began to jam Trump videos into my recommended stream, and I fell down the deepest, strangest rabbit hole of my life. And now I wish I hadn't, because if he wins, it won't just be the US which is in danger. Trump's best buds are Putin and Kim Jong Un. Just watch him as his quavering hand hovers over the nuclear button.

Photos Show Trump Fans Carrying "J.D. Vance Family Kit" Cups — What on Earth Is Going On?

Why, though?

By Jamie Lee

Published Aug. 19 2024, 1:24 p.m. ET

In the latest installment of "we are living in a bizarre timeline," a bunch of pictures have been circulating online that appear to show Donald Trump fans carrying around fake semen sample cups that say "J.D. Vance Full Family Kit" on them.

Why is this happening? What is going on? These are bigger questions than we could ever answer, obviously, but here is what we do know about this very unfortunate situation.

What's up with the J.D. Vance "family kit" cups?

No one knows for sure why some people thought it would be funny to put fake semen (gosh, we hope it's fake, anyway) into plastic cups with pictures of Vance's face on them alongside the words "J.D. Vance Full Family Kit." However, many are speculating that this is a way for some Trump fans to not only support Vance's "childless cat lady" comments but also to maybe even take a dig at Tim Walz for using IVF with his wife to conceive.

Vance's "childless cat lady" comments came from a 2021 interview he gave with then–Fox News host Tucker Carlson, in which Vance railed against his rivals (like AOC and Kamala Harris) as "a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too."

As for Tim Walz, the Minnesota governor and Harris's VP running mate, he has been open about the fact that he and his wife Gwen used fertility treatments to have their two children.

"When my wife and I decided to have children, we spent years going through infertility treatments," Walz said at a Philadelphia rally in August 2024 (per CBS). "And I remember praying every night for a call for good news. The pit in my stomach when the phone rang, and the agony when we heard that the treatments hadn't worked. So this wasn't by chance that when we welcomed my daughter into the world, we named her Hope."

So when it comes to the weird cups, again, no one really knows for sure why they're becoming an accessory of choice for some Trump supporters, but most of us can agree that it feels really, really off-putting.

BLOGGER'S NOTE. But cups full of "jazz" and tshirts proclaiming a convicted felon as the saviour of their country only represents part of the madness. There are also fake ear bandages which his supporters wear in solidarity, and - maybe even more bizarre than the jazz cups - Republicans wearing DIAPERS for Trump, after rumors that the 45th President does in fact wear Depends for incontinence.

I have nothing more to say on this matter. I'm going to go lie down now.