Showing posts with label Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2024

🌹GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD: Knockin' on Heaven's Door😮

Don't get me started on Gypsy Rose! I no sooner cut loose from the Meghan and Harry nonsense (mainly because they were so tedious and predictable) than I fell into the fire, and this thing is just beyond creepy. There is something rather terrifying about this woman and her compulsive lying, but worse than that is how the internet and media have made her into a celebrity BECAUSE she murdered her mother. No other reason. But I'm sooner or later going to have to cut loose from this one too, because I notice what a divisive figure she is and how various creators are now at each other's throats over it. I made an initial video, not as good as this one, that got over 3,000 views, and this one is scraping bottom and might have to be scrapped. THAT doesn't make sense either. There is a VERY bad energy around this girl, beyond creepy, and one wonders if she has even come to believe what she's telling people.