Showing posts with label Barnet Park. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barnet Park. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

MASSIVE Canada Goose colony in Barnet Park!

My wild goose chase and other bird adventures are keeping me sane right now (as sane as is realistically possible, that is). This goose colony which sprawls all over Barnet Park and its gorgeous public beach began in the spring, when we came across half a dozen families with goslings of all different ages. Now they're all juveniles which are not quite ready to fly, and almost indistinguishable from the adults. The only down side of this incredible sight is the MOUNTAINS OF POOP everywhere - really nasty poop, like something from a small dog rather than any kind of bird. Canada geese are the bane of farmers everywhere because they rip up newly-sprouted crops the way they rip up grass in a field. They can be surly and hissy and even aggressive, but most are respectful if YOU respect THEM. Little kids were chasing the geese around, and while the birds were not hurt by it, it hurt their dignity and sense of safety, and I wish their parents had told them to cut it out. Wild geese aren't public property - they're living beings and belong to themselves and to nature. These are massed families, and in spite of looking almost grown-up, the adults are still jealously protecting their young. Better than a lot of human families, I'd say.