Sunday, February 27, 2022

💀FANATIC: a face in the crowd💀

This few seconds of film has haunted me for years. I did not give it a context, because I felt it was more powerful if I didn't - and YouTube would likely brand it as "hate content"if I did.  But in truth, it's historic footage, because it provides a tiny glimpse into the phenomenon of mass worship/hysteria and how easily the mindless crowds can be swept along. The woman with the crazed look in her eyes, almost fainting from rapture, is eerie and disturbing in the extreme. She would likely do ANYTHING for the cause - which in this case was world domination through mass extermination. It didn't work, but if the rest of the world hadn't risen up in protest and marshalled all their forces, it could have. Watch troops goose-stepping in North Korea, and you will see the same mentality, the same dreadful uniformity. Read the news about what is happening right now in Ukraine, five million desperate refugees fleeing for their lives, and you will tremble. What is wrong with the human race, and can I opt out now and be something else?

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