Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sometimes old is just old

Today's Vancouver Sun plopped on my doorstep with a special supplement on The Art of Retirement. On the cover was a vigorous-looking older couple jogging on a nature trail (though admittedly, he looked like he was having some trouble staying upright). Hmm, I thought, a supplement! Didn't that mean the usual thing? I was right: the entire section was one big ad, glossy articles written by glossy experts, all working in the very glossy Old Age Industry. These included Barry LaValley, President, The Retirement Lifestyle Centre, and Susan Eng, Vice President of Advocacy, CARP.

While I've done my share of carping as I careen towards my own seniority, this struck me as just one more way that old people might get "taken". In other words, convinced to hand over desperately-needed cash in return for the services of a consultant assuming almost superhuman mobility and endless financial flow. The following glossy piece almost completely sidesteps what I think of as the two most crucial needs of the ageing population: good health and money. (I put those in that order because you can't exactly go on cruises if you're dead.)

But what can you expect from an organization called "mediaplanet"?

Finding your style: how do you want to retire?

Retirement, as the saying goes, is when we stop living at work, and start working at living. It's important to stay fulfilled, and each of us has our own unique way of doing so

The art of your retirement is in you.

It all depends on your retirement being in sync with your style. Just as most of you have a preference to write with your left hand or your right hand, you also have a preferred personal style that impacts your retirement life. While everyone is made up of a blend of all four styles, you have a primary, most natural style.

Have to know 

For example, some of you will find satisfaction pursuing intellectual concepts, technology or innovation especially in your field of expertise where your knowledge is appreciated. You will gather data and information to make informed decisions about your finances. You may work, consult, mentor, play bridge or other challenging games, study or invent.   you are most likely to enjoy individual sports like running, biking, or golfing.

Go with the flow 

Some of you will live your retirement making it up as you go, living in the moment. Your ability to observe,assess and come to quick decisions will be rewarded in work or volunteer roles.You will want the financial freedom to splurge and live spontaneously. You will need free rein in retirement so you may start your own company, perform or go on adventure travel. Practicing competitive sports will keep you in shape.

Join the club 

For some of you being of service to an organization where your natural talents to plan, organize, and coordinate are needed will be a fit for you. You may have difficulty spending the money you've diligently saved for your retirement until you are sure you will be able to meet your financial obligations now and in the future. For fun,you may belong to a choir, arts group,or book club. Hiking,dance,or ski clubs may be the way you stay fit.

Make a difference 

Taking action to make this a better world will be fulfilling for some of you. Your strengths building relationships will allow you to make a difference. You will want to make financial contributions to worthwhile causes. You may volunteer, support friends or family, read or paint. You may like to enhance your well-being by taking walks or doing yoga.

Find your path 

Do any of these descriptions remind you of you? Can you picture your retirement life? Exploring your preferred style will help you understand yourself while appreciating similarities and differences of others .A retirement specialist may be able to guide you. Knowing your style will help you discover the art of your retirement.

POST-BLOG. Doing my usual digging around, I was quite astonished to find that I. J. (Ida-Jean) McIntyre probably does not exist. I can't find a photo to match the pleasant mid-30s image that went with the newspaper article. In fact I couldn't google anything up at all. I mean, NOTHING. It makes me wonder if even her name is bogus: who under the age of 110 is called Ida-Jean? She's yet another chimera, folks, along with (probably) all the other glossy experts in the supplement, never explaining who they are but always willing to separate you from your cash. You never see them, of course, but they're in the newspaper so it must be true. (I wonder if they ripped off those photos from other people's Facebook pages.)  This is no better than those vermin who used to go door-to-door, come in and pray with lonely old widows, then sell them aluminum siding before skipping town without a trace.

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