Friday, July 15, 2011

There are beavers

If you just stop to think, here's a lesson for you
What a beaver can convey

With a beaver you make someone happy or blue

With a beaver you make them sad or gay

So be careful what you say
And be careful how you smile

It's so easy for a beaver

To kill us, or make life worthwhile. . .

There are beavers, that make us happy
There are beavers, that make us blue

There are beavers, that steal away the teardrops
Like the Sunbeams steal away the dew

There are beavers, that have a tender meaning
That the eyes of love alone can see

But the beaver, that fills my life with sunshine
Is the beaver that you gave to me!

Yes, the beaver, that fills my life with sunshine
Is the beaver that you gave to me!

Oops. . . didn't mean to click on that "beaver" site. . . heh-heh-heh (munchmunchmunch. . . watch out for that treeeeeeee. . . . . . !)


Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book
    It took me years to write, will you take a look


  1. Our beaver, Justin, likes to run around in the back yard scaring the chickens, flapping his tail as he sort of hops hither and thither. One of these days the hens will get organized and gang up on him. I'll try to get video for you.

  2. My comment just disappeared, so I'll try again. YOU HAVE A BEAVER?? Why didn't you TELL me? My esimation of you just went through the roof. I'm a Canadian, and I don't think I've ever seen a beaver outside a zoo.

  3. Buford lives somewhere nearby, probly along the feeder to Cow Creek. I saw him out the window the other day taunting the chickens and munching on weeds. I had just stepped out of the bathtub, so there was a delay in fetching my camera and repairing to the deck. By then Buford had slipped back into his habitat. Haven't seen him since. I've tried calling him, but the family threatened to obtain a restraining order.

  4. Awwwwwwww, you never. Have a beaver, I mean. You're funnin' me. Buford Beaver. Nearly fell for it.

