Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Bentley hates The Christmas Song!

Chriiiiistmas, Chriiiiiistmas time is here. . . We revisit the horror of Alvin and the Chipmonks played at normal speed. Bentley wisely leaves the building.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Cats and Christmas trees

Bentley is in there somewhere.

The secret life of Captain Kangaroo

Things we didn't know about the Captain.

Creepy Santa compilation

What's better (or worse) than one creepy Santa? A bunch of creepy Santas! I put this together from a whole lot of gifs, from a whole lot of videos of my favorite Santa Smackdowns. I couldn't quite get them all onto one gif, so had to split them. With a hey, and a ho, and a - creep out!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Hula Cats Christmas: my best gif ever!

I'm very proud of this gif compilation from the Hula Cats Christmas video. Took forever to make, but lasts something like a full minute. Never in my dreams.