Wednesday, September 17, 2014

We can't wait for Munsingwear Monday

I steal stuff, but according to the Facebook philosphy, it's called "sharing". Nobody knows the provenance of anything any more. If I go on Tin Eye, I just get a whole bunch of blogs/web sites where the image appears, in different sizes. So I won't feel guilty, I won't, that I stole these (mostly, not all) from Kitsch Bitsch, which is always good for a laugh.

It is here that I first discovered that jaw-dropping artifact, the Munsingwear Men's underwear ad.I keep finding more and more of these, with men in locker rooms extolling the virtues of Stretchy Seat briefs to each other and rating them according to how much or little they support your balls.

But we'll save that 'til last. I like this horse one, don't you? We don't want to mention poo-poo anywhere. It's not about poo-poo anyway. In fact, we don't know what it's about. Not so long ago, ads talked about "irregularity".

This isn't really an ad, but a public service. It's the equivalent of that doomsday alarm they hear in the cockpit when the plane is going down: WHOOP WHOOP PULL! UP! WHOOP WHOOP PULL! UP! Generally speaking, it's the last thing you ever hear. The government was assuring people then that a nuclear strike was no worse than a bad cold, so long as you had a well-stocked fallout shelter.

But is one minute really long enough to stay down?

Now this is a favorite, a story about a girl who is both too old AND too smelly to ever get married. What is she doing that she should smell so bad? Doesn't she ever shower? In my experiences, people who smell bad don't bathe, or at least don't wash their clothes often enough. This sort of pitch segues into the married woman's need to douche with Lysol to get rid of those "married" odors that can drive a husband away.

OK, enough smelly twats, armpits, feet, etc. Yeccccchhhh.

". . . in the dressing room I hotly accused her. In an instant we were in a disgraceful hair-pulling match. But Sylvia got in the last bitter word: 'Any girl with a breath like yours ought to lose her customers!"

Customers? This reminds me of those Women in Chains movies from the 1950s, with big butch matrons jingling keys and eyeing the young inmates as they wash their frilly black bras and hang them on the bars. I don't know what possessed Listerine or whoever-it-was to use images of two women pulling each other's hair out. "Hotly" accused her? That's hot!

The silly man sat on the wall
Playing with his willy.
With such a long shake, his trouser snake
Was getting very chilly.
Blow you buggers, blow, he said
And keep the thing from freezing!
Blow yourself, the actress said,
Teasing, teasing, teasing.

I promised you Munsingwear, and I'm giving you Munsingwear. Sorry I'm blowing these things up so much, but I don't feel like transcribing the text. But in this case, the longing look from the guy in the tie says it all. Note where his gaze rests.

Do men stand around in their underwear talking to other men about gonch (ginch, ganch, gotch, gotchees, whatever) after playing golf? The Munsingwear Men do.

And I am too lazy to transcribe all this, but maybe you can make it out, or just guess what it says.

Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book
    It took me years to write, will you take a look

A question

So who wants to win the goddamn Giller Prize anyway?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Weird shit late at night

Yes: it's time for an episode (the only episode) of Weird Shit Late at Night. In which a non-cartoonist makes a desperate attempt to screw around with somebody else's animation: i. e., make a gif.

Somebody traced over these girls or something. I think they took a movie and just drew over it. Or something.

This guy is all crumbly and scrunchy like dead leaves, and his features turn into squiggles part of the time. A new technique.

Nobody traced this guy, it is just bad cartooning with his hair seething on top of his head. Like it's about to slide off. The other guy has eyes like Jeff Goldblum in The Fly.

I really hate this one, her hands are in the wrong place and the one who screams reminds me of somebody in a bar you hate but can't escape from, but perhaps those are the people they're tracing. The one with the smudged eyes is my favorite, but she's only on for half a second, or I'd make her a gif all her own. Oh, it might work: I did that with Ali McGraw in the Polaroid Swinger ad where her hair swung past her face for half a second.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Olive Oyl's Makeover

Eugene the Jeep

This is probably my favorite of my many favorite cartoons from the first Popeye series of  the early 1930s. Long ago, my children got fascinated with these (they came on TV at about 5:30 in the morning, so I  videotaped them and we watched them together), and at one point I sent my 8-hour collection someplace to have them transferred to DVD. I never saw them again. But a few years ago, I happened upon a cleaned-up, pristine, re-released boxed set and was in Popeye heaven. I was a bit surprised to see these in glorious black and white, as the ones we saw back in the '80s were in colour. Later I found out they had been sent to Korea to be badly colorized, probably by Ted Turner. (Why Ted Turner was forgiven for all that atrocity amazes me, but he was, and his name now proudly stands for Turner Classic Movies, a bastion of cinematic purity with no interruptions, no edits and no commercial breaks. How did he pull that one off?)

Considering what an adorable creation Eugene the Jeep is, it surprises me that Fleischer only used him in two cartoons. In this one, he rescues Swee' Pea from certain death by taking Popeye on a wild Jeep chase. The second one just doesn't have the same charm. In the kind of cruel boondoggle I came to expect as a sullen, embittered little girl, the animators decided to un-make him and start all over again, having him delivered in a mysterious box (a gift from Olive - ?) to Popeye's door.

But it doesn't really matter what Jeep does - it's all adorable. He's a sort of magic teddy-dog with the ability to dematerialize, walk through walls and foretell the future. His tail makes a sort of jingly sound, and every so often he goes, "jeep, jeep".  But all this is barely touched on in these two cartoons - in fact, in the second one he hardly has any mojo left at all. .

Like all the Popeye characters, Eugene got his start in the "funny papers", in a highly eccentric 1920s comic strip called Thimble Theater. Popeye was probably the least likely of them to get his own cartoon franchise. Since the Jeep started off as a static comic strip character, the animators would have had very little idea of how he was supposed to move. I think they did a delightful job with him, with his spins and twirls.

This is a particularly neat sequence, and an example of what Fleischer and his animators did best. Labyrinthine chases that double back on themselves are a standard feature, usually involving Popeye risking life and limb. (This is one of the very few cartoons in which he does NOT eat his spinach. Even spinach is no match for the power of the Jeep.)

A superb moment!

Though Popeye doesn't eat his spinach, Eugene eats his orchids. I just had a thought as to why he only appears twice. Cute as he is, it would be hard to think up "business" for him. He has to be the centre of the action, with all that spooky magic power, so he can't just be a faithful Jeep trotting along at Popeye's heels. But what sort of action, when Popeye cartoons are usually of the knockdown-dragout variety? Where would Bluto fit in? Or Wimpy, for that matter? Most of the Thimble Theatre characters were dumped when Popeye went animated. For the most part, the whole cartoon series revolved around that eternal triangle: Popeye, Bluto and the raven-haired wench who holds them in her fatal spell.

I just remembered something about this ending, which only appears in the first few cartoons. When we were watching them on VHS tape, we only saw a tiny flash of "something" that looked like an inkwell. The people who colorized the cartoons had so adulterated the animation that this logo almost disappeared, or was reduced to a fraction of a second. So the game was to pause the tape at the exact moment when that frame or two appeared. We also acted out a dramatic version of Barnacle Bill the Sailor, but I doubt if either of them remembers it. Oh, the memories.

Hey, who's flying this thing?

I never should have found it, this site. It's extremely addictive for all the wrong reasons. It amazes me how often disaster is directly caused not by pilot error, but by utter pilot incompetence. Below are two transcripts from the cockpit.

On an Air New Zealand flight to Antarctica, no one in the flight crew seems the least bit concerned that nobody can see anything. The assumed tour guide Mulgrew blandly tells the passengers that they have no idea where they're going, but if he ever figures it out, he'll let them know, because the view of Antarctica is breathtaking. But it's pretty hard to see anything after you've slammed into the side of a mountain. On a Lauda Air flight to Thailand, the pilots receive a dire warning about an equipment malfunction, but dither around endlessly with an instruction manual, doing it "by the book" until the plane eventually stalls, falls out of the sky and disintegrates. None of these pilots have the old-style Chuck Yeager instincts that it took to get a plane and all its passengers through near-disaster. It's sheer hell to send a kid up to do a man's job.

November 28, 1979

Mt. Erebus, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Air New Zealand, Flight 901

McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30


The aircraft crashed into the slopes of Mt. Erebus while on sightseeing flight to Antarctica.
An incorrect computer-stored flight plan resulted in a navigational error directing the flight
towards Mt. Erebus. Because of overcast, the crew descended below authorized altitude.
Contributing to the accident was the crew's inexperience with flying the Antarctic route.
All 257 aboard killed.

MC = McMurdo Station

CA = Captain

F/O = First Officer

F/E = Flight Engineer

MU = Mulgrew (guide)

MC   New Zealand 901, maintain VMC. Keep you advised of your altitude as you approach McMurdo..

CA   We're VMC around this way so I'm going to do another turn in.

CA   Sorry, haven't got time to talk, but ...

MU   Ah well, you can't talk if you can't see anything.


MU   There you go. There's some land ahead.

CA   I'll arm the nav again.

CA   ALT, NAV CAP, IAS hold. 


FO   Roger, New Zealand 901, 50 miles north the base was one zero thousand. We are now at 6,000 descending to 2,000 and we're VMC.


CA   We had a message from the Wright Valley and they are clear over there.

MU  Oh, good.

CA   So if you can get us out over that way...?

MU  No trouble.

MU  Taylor on the right now.

MU  This is Peter Mulgrew speaking again folks. I still can't see very much at the moment. Keep you informed soon as I see something that gives me a clue as to where we are. We're going down in altitude now and it won't be long before we get quite a good view.


F/E   Where's Erebus in relation to us a the moment.

MU  Left, about 20 or 25 miles.

F/O  Yep, yep.

F/E I'm just thinking of any high ground in the area, that's all.

MU I think it'll be left.

F/E  Yes, I reckon about here.

MU  Yes ... no, no, I don't really know.


MU  That's the edge.

CA  Yes, OK. Probably see further anyway.

F/O   It's not too bad. 

MU  I reckon Bird's through here and Ross Island there. Erebus should be there.

CA   Actually, these conditions don't look very good at all, do they?

MU  No they don't.


MU  That look like the edge of Ross Island there.

F/E   I don't like this.

CA  Have you got anything from him?

F/O  No

CA  We're 26 miles north. We'll have to climb out of this.

MU  You can see Ross Island? Fine.

F/O  You're clear to turn right. There's no high ground if you do a one eighty.

CA   No ... negative.

GPWS   [Whoop whoop pull up. Whoop whoop]

F/E   Five hundred feet.

GPWS   [Pull up]

F/E   Four hundred feet.

GPWS  [Whoop, whoop pull up. Whoop whoop pull up]

CA  Go-around power please.

GPWS  [Whoop whoop pull -]

[Sound of impact]

May 26, 1991
Near Ban Nong Rong, Thailand
Lauda Air, Flight 004
Boeing B-767-3Z9ER

Twelve minutes after takeoff the crew received a visual REV ISLN advisory warning which indicated that an additional system failure may cause deployment of the No. 1 engine thrust reverser. No action was taken since the manual indicated "No Action Required". Just before reaching FL 310 during a climb, there was an uncommanded deployment of the No. 1 engine thrust reverser. The aircraft stalled, when into a steep high speed dive, broke apart at 4,000 feet and crashed into the jungle 70 miles northwest of Bangkok. Failure of the reverse thrust isolation valve. Following the accident Boeing made modifications to the thrust reverser system. All 223 aboard killed.

CA = Captain

F/O = First Officer


[Warning light indicating possibility of reverse thrust becoming activated]


F/O   Shit.


CA   That keeps, that's come on.


F/O  So we passed transition altitude one-zero-one-three.


CA   OK.


CA   What's it say in there about that, just ah...


F/O   (reading from quick reference handbook) Additional system failures may cause in-flight deployment. Expect normal reverse operation after landing.


CA   OK.


CA  Just, ah, let's see. 




F/O  Shall I ask the ground staff?


CA  What's that?


F/O   Shall I ask the technical men?


CA   Ah, you can tell 'em it, just it's, it's, it's, just ah, no, ah, it's probably ah wa... ah moisture or something 'cause it's not just, oh, it's coming on and off.


F/O  Yeah.


CA  But, ah, you know it's a ... it doesn't really, it's just an advisory thing, I don't ah ...


CA  Could be some moisture in there or somethin'.


F/O  Think you need a little bit of rudder trim to the left.


CA  What's that?


F/O  You need a little bit of rudder trim to the left. 






F/O  [Starts adding up figures in German]


F/O  [Stops adding figures]


F/O  Ah, reverser's deployed.


[Sound of snap]

CA  Jesus Christ!


[Sound of four caution tones]

[Sound of siren warning starts]

[Sound of siren warning stops]

[Sound of siren warning starts and continues until the recording ends]

CA  Here, wait a minute!


CA   Damn it!


[Sound of bang]

Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book
    It took me years to write, will you take a look

My Pet The Giant Snail - Unusual Exotic Pets

Not really MY pet, and I don't think I would want it to be. There would be lots of slime to clean up. I also found a video of a "pet" stick insect as long as your forearm, at least. I don't know. I'm contemplating getting another lovebird. The loss of Jasper hit me harder than I thought, and the house is awfully quiet. My bird feeder hasn't netted much results yet. But not this.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Pines of Rome: through a glass, brightly

Given that the last few posts have been, uh, er, pretty much deathward, I think it's time to look in a new direction. Or another one, at least.

This is a condensed version of one of my favorite pieces of music. Respighi is an underrated composer, often seen as lightweight. I perceive it as a sort of innocence, a childlike zeal that some find a little disconcerting. He gets right to the heart of things.

I post an edited version because there is a long, very beautiful, meditative section in the middle that the casual listener may bail on. Instead we hear the Edenic Pines of the Janiculum, which I tried to use to describe the most profound spiritual experience I ever had. I say "tried", meaning a useless attempt to get people to listen to it so they would "get" what I went through. No one did.

But I still have it, and in its enigmatic beauty I feel the echo of some sort of paradoxical death and rebirth.

P. S. The blaring, triumphant brasses, the trumpets sounding almost dissonantly at the end predate the works of film composer John Williams. Respighi did it first: that space-epic sound. See if you can hear it.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Pull up! PULL UP!

This is from a truly awful web site called, in which you can read transcripts and even listen to cockpit transmissions that take place during actual plane crashes. Yes, I know it's sick, but it's the kind of thing I've been known to become obsessed with. And compared to my suicide short story, it's downright upbeat.

But be honest for a minute. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like? This brings you uncomfortably close. Though it's only audio, it's more raw than any so-called "reality" TV I've ever seen. I am haunted by the voice of the radio traffic reporter screaming "hit the water, hit the water!" as her chopper goes down, and the nervous, awkward chatter of the radio hosts as they try to quell their fear that she has been killed. (She has).  Now I know that the doomy repetitive sounds of those warning instruments ("WHOOP, WHOOP, PULL! UP! - WHOOP, WHOOP, PULL! UP!") may be the last thing you ever hear.

Some of the pilots' last words are memorable:

I have nothing in front of me.
What's happening?
Goodnight. Goodbye. We perish!
That's it, I'm dead.
No need for that, we are okay, no problem, no problem
It's OK, it's OK, don't hurry, don't hurry
OK, mellow it out, mellow it out
Oh, God. . . flip!
A bit low, bit low, bit low
Hang on. What the hell is this?
Watch it!
We're finished.
Pete, sorry.
Actually, these conditions don't look very good at all, do they?
Amy, I love you.

(I include below an entire transcript from a doomed flight from 1972. The inepititude of these guys floors me: these are the kinds of pilots you DON'T want to have. Laurel and Hardy could have flown this plane better, I think. While the plane heads for doom, they're trying to fix a light with a pair of pliers and a kleenex. Unlike many of these catastrophic cases, there were survivors.)

December 29, 1972
Everglades National Park, Florida
Eastern Air Lines, Flight 401
Lockheed L-1011 TriStar1

The crew was preoccupied with a landing gear problem and was trying to replace the landing
gear light while on autopilot and in a holding pattern. As the captain got up to help, he 
inadvertently pushed on the yoke releasing the autopilot. With no ground reference and 
under nighttime conditions, the aircraft gradually descended until it crashed into Everglades, 
18.7 miles west-northwest of Miami killing 100 out of 176 aboard. The failure of the crew to 
monitor the flight instruments during the final 4 minutes of flight, and to detect a descent 
soon enough to prevent impact with the ground.

TWR = Tower
APP = Approach
CAM = Cockpit area mike
CAM 1 = Primarily Captain
CAM 2 = Primarily First Officer
Cam 3 = Primarily Flight Engineer
?? = unknown.
### = expletive
RT = Radio transmission


RT   Miami Tower, do you read, Eastern 401? Just turned on final.


TWR   Eastern 401 Heavy, continue approach to 9 left.


RT  Continue approach, roger.


CAM 3   Continuous ignition. No smoke.

CAM 1   Coming on.

CAM 3   Brake system.

CAM 1   Okay.

CAM 3   Radar.

CAM 1   Up, off.

CAM 3   Hydraulic panels checked.

CAM 2  Thirty-five, thirty three.

CAM 1  Bert, is that handle in?

CAM ???

CAM 3  Engine crossbleeds are open.


CAM  ?  Gear down.

CAM  ?  ??

CAM 1  I gotta.

CAM  ?  ??


CAM 1  I gotta raise it back up.


CAM 1  Now I'm gonna try it down one more time.

CAM 2  All right.


[sound of altitude alert horn]

CAM 2  Right gear.

CAM 2  Well, want to tell 'em we'll take it around and circle around and ... around?


RDO 1  Well ah, tower, this is Eastern, ah, 401. It looks like we're gonna have to circle, we don't have a light on our nose gear yet.


TWR   Eastern 401 heavy, roger, pull up, climb straight ahead to two thousand, go back to approach control, one twenty eight six.


CAM 2  Twenty-two degrees.

CAM 2  Twenty-two degrees, gear up

CAM 1  Put power on it first, Bert. That-a-boy.

CAM 1  Leave the ... gear down till we find out what we got.

CAM 2  All right.

CAM 3  You want me to test the lights or not?

CAM 1  Yeah.

CAM ?   ... seat back.

CAM 1  Check it.

CAM 2  Uh, Bob, it might be the light. Could you jiggle that, the light?

CAM 3  It's gotta, gotta come out a little bit and then snap in.

CAM  ?  ??

CAM  ?  I'll put 'em on.


RT  Okay, going up to two thousand, one twenty-eight six.


CAM 2  We're up to two thousand

CAM 2  You want me to fly it, Bob?

CAM 1  What frequency did he want us on, Bert?

CAM 2  One twenty-eight six.

CAM 1  I'll talk to 'em.

CAM 3  It's right ...

CAM 1  Yeah, ...

CAM 3  I can't make it pull out, either.

CAM 1  We got pressure.

CAM 3  Yes sir, all systems.

CAM 1  ??


RDO 1  All right ahh, Approach Control, Eastern 401, we're right over the airport here and climbing to two thousand feet. in fact, we've just


APP  Eastern 401, roger. Turn left heading three six zero and maintain two thousand, vectors to 9 Left final.


RT  Left three six zero.


CAM 1  Put the ... on autopilot here.

CAM 2  All right.

CAM 1  See if you can get that light out.

CAM 2  All right.

CAM 1  Now push the switches just a ... forward.

CAM 1  Okay.

CAM 1  You got it sideways, then.

CAM ?  Naw, I don't think it'll fit.

CAM 1  You gotta turn it one quarter turn to the left.


APP  Eastern 401, turn left heading three zero zero.

RT  Okay.


RT  Three zero zero, Eastern 401.


CAM 1  Hey, hey, get down there and see if that damn nose wheel's down. You better do that.

CAM 2  You got a handkerchief or something so I can get a little better grip on this? Anything I can do with it?

CAM 1  Get down there and see if that, see if that ### thing ...

CAM 2  This won't come out, Bob. If I had a pair of pliers, I could cushion it with that Kleenex.

CAM 3  I can give you pliers but if you force it, you'll break it, just believe me.

CAM 2  Yeah, I'll cushion it with Kleenex.

CAM 3  Oh, we can give you pliers.


APP  Eastern, uh, 401 turn left heading two seven zero.


RT  Left two seven zero, roger.


CAM 1  To hell with it, to hell with this. Go down and see if it's lined up with the red line. That's all we care. ### around with that ### twenty-cent piece ...

CAM ?  ??


RT  Eastern 401 I'll go ah, out west just a little further if we can here and, ah, see if we can get this light to come on here.


APP  All right, ah, we got you headed westbound there now, Eastern 401.


RT  All right.

CAM 1  How much fuel we got left on this ###

CAM ?  Fifty two five.

CAM 2  It won't come out, no way.


CAM 1  Did you ever take it out of there?

CAM 2  Huh?

CAM 1  Have you ever taken it out of there?

CAM 2  Hadn't till now.

CAM 1  Put it in the wrong way, huh?

CAM 2  In there looks ... square to me.

CAM ?  Can't you get the hole lined up?

CAM ?  ??

CAM ?  Whatever's wrong?

CAM 1  What's that?


CAM 2  I think that's over the training field.

CAM ?  West heading you wanna go left or ...

CAM 2  Naw that's right, we're about to cross Krome Avenue right now.


CAM  [Sound of click]

CAM 2  I don't know what the ### holding that ### ...

CAM 2  Always something, we could'a made schedule.


CAM  [Sound of altitude alert]

CAM 1  We can tell if that ### is down by looking down at our indices.

CAM 1  I'm sure it's down, there's no way it couldn't help but be.

CAM 2  I'm sure it is.

CAM 1  It freefalls down.

CAM 2  The tests didn't show that the lights worked anyway.

CAM 1  That 's right.

CAM 2  It's a faulty light.


CAM 2  Bob, this ### just won't come out.

CAM 1  All right leave it there.

CAM 3  I don't see it down there.

CAM 1  Huh?

CAM 3  I don't see it.

CAM 1  You can't see that indis ... for the nose wheel ah, there's a place in there you can look and see if they're lined up.

CAM 3  I know, a little like a telescope.

CAM 1  Yeah.

CAM 3  Well ...

CAM 1  It's not lined up?

CAM 3  I can't see it, it's pitch dark and I throw the little light I get ah nothing.


CAM 4  Wheel-well lights on?

CAM 3  Pardon?

CAM 4  Wheel-well lights on?

CAM 3  Yeah wheel well lights always on if the gear's down.

CAM 1  Now try it.


APP  Eastern, ah 401 how are things coming along out there?


RT  Okay, we'd like to turn around and come, come back in.

CAM 1  Clear on left?

CAM 2  Okay


APP  Eastern 401 turn left heading one eight zero.


CAM 1  Huh?


RT  One eighty.


CAM 2  We did something to the altitude.

CAM 1  What?


CAM 2  We're still at two thousand right?


CAM 1  Hey, what's happening here?


[Sound of click]



[Sound of six beeps similar to radio altimeter increasing in rate]


[Sound of impact]

The Kicker. There's always a kicker, right? I never plan it that way. I just find I have more to say on the subject. Included on this eerie page is a transcript (no audio, thank God) from the doomed flight that was meant to crash into the White House on Sept. 11, 2001. This is just a fragment of it. (Bracketed lines have been translated from Arabic.)

9:39:11Ah. Here's the captain. I would like to tell you all to 
remain seated. We have a bomb aboard, and we are 
going back to the airport, and we have our demands. 
So, please remain quiet.
9:39:21OK. That's 93 calling?
9:39:24(One moment.)
9:39:34United 93. I understand you have a bomb on board.
Go ahead.
9:39:42And center exec jet nine fifty-six. That was the 
9:39:47OK. Ah. Who called Cleveland?
9:39:52Executive jet nine fifty-six, did you understand that
9:39:56Affirmative. He said that there was a bomb on board.
9:39:58That was all you got out of it also?
9:40:03United 93. Go ahead.
9:40:14United 93. Go ahead.
9:40:52(This green knob?)
9:40:54(Yes, that's the one.)
9:41:05United 93, do you hear the Cleveland center?
9:41:14(One moment. One moment.)
9:41:56Oh man.
9:44:18(This does not work now.)
9:45:13Turn it off.
9:45:16(... Seven thousand ...)
9:45:19(How about we let them in? We let the guys in 
9:45:24(Should we let the guys in?)
9:45:25(Inform them, and tell him to talk to the pilot.
Bring the pilot back.)
9:45:57(In the name of Allah. In the name of Allah.
I bear witness that there is no other God, but Allah.)
9:47:40(Allah knows.)
9:48:38Set course.
9:52:31   Unintelligible.