Sunday, October 18, 2015

Bloody Awful

This is one decent thing from Facebook, via my good bud Matt Paust. I'm going through another round of bitterness about this whole thing. Please note, I'm not bitter about everything in my life. In some areas I'm the happiest I've ever been, particularly my family. And I just lost 30 lbs. and look better than I have in years. The things I can wear now! I just wanted you to know that.

But certain things never get resolved, and the hard work I've put into my craft has, apparently, been for nothing. I'm tired of gluing the happy-face on and trying to be a cheerleader for the industry, when my heart has been run over 570 times and no one seems to notice or care.

I just deleted a bitter diatribe I wrote yesterday, only to notice another one from the day before, so I'd better leave it. I've always felt out of kilter in the world, a square peg not willing to shave all her corners off to "fit", and social media/trying to "make it" as a writer has multiplied this problem a thousandfold. The work is supposed to be its own reward, it's still the best part, and I hope people will take my books out of the library and read them (for I don't care two figs about sales or profits or anything, just having a small readership. But that matters to me, very very much.)

Friday, October 16, 2015

Busted! ‘In Touch’ Catches ‘Sister Wives’ Star Meri Brown’s “Catfisher”

(A follow-up on the Meri Brown catfish story of a couple of days ago. That impeccable source of information, In Touch Weekly, has closed in on Catfish Woman and had a guy interview her in a phony foreign accent to make it seem less like In Touch Weekly. True to form, Jackie Overton, outed a couple of weeks ago, denies everything. But what do they expect her to say: "Oh, yes, I'm Jackie Overton and I catfished Meri Brown. Surprise, surprise!" It's like these reporters on Dateline who chase after a guy on trial and yell, "Mr. Peterson, did you kill your wife?" "Oh, yes - they might as well just give me the lethal injection right now!").

Caught in the act!

Jackie Overton — the woman who pretended to be a businessman from Chicago named Sam Cooper in order to lure Sister Wives star Meri Brown into an online affair — had nowhere to hide when she was confronted by In Touch Weekly at her Shindler, Okla. home on Oct. 9.

RELATED: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Meri Brown Turns Desperate As Catfish Affair Goes Bad — Listen to the Voicemails!

In audio recorded during the incident, Jackie denied her identity when asked by In Touch Weekly and struggled to give any name, stuttering as she said, “My name is Ka, Case… Kelsey Williams.”

The real Kelsey Williams is actually a cheerleader with Oklahoma City Thunder

Jackie Overton, who claimed to be a woman named “Kelsey Williams.

In fact, she denied knowing Jackie Overton, but when she was shown a picture of herself — from her own Facebook — she failed to keep her stories straight, telling In Touch, “The picture you showed me looks like her. But that’s not me. I have no idea.”

Additionally, the glasses and moles of the woman claiming to be “Kelsey Williams” match up with the ones seen in Jackie Overton’s Facebook pictures.

RELATED: Kody Brown’s Daughter, 19, Is Heartbroken to Be Rejected By the Mormon Church

Interestingly enough, within hours of the confrontation, the phone number provided for “Sam Cooper” — which was also connected to Jackie, and another one of her fake identities (a woman named Lindsay who claimed to be Sam’s assistant) — had been disconnected. Shortly thereafter, the website used as a front for “Sam’s” business was taken offline as well. (Blogger's note: but here's his blog link, and does it have some interesting stuff on it!)

Listen to the audio of the confrontation to hear all of Jackie’s lies:

For more on the Sister Wives scandal, pick up the new issue of In Touch Weekly on newsstands now!

Meantime, beloved readers, for whom I rise to worship and live for each day (?!), here's another squeeze of juice: a Facebook page set up specifically for the Meri/Jackie catfish episode! One of the more bizarre manifestations of Facebook I've ever seen.

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