Showing posts with label cute cat videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cute cat videos. Show all posts

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Bentley's on TV!

Bentley never ceases to amaze us with his awareness of things. We've seen him watch TV before, ads and things like that, where patterns move rapidly. Cartoons are a favorite. But this time it was a show on CBC's The Nature of Things, all about the domestic cat. For the first five minutes he sat demurely, facing the TV with his ears alertly pricked. Then suddenly he jumped up on the TV stand as if he wanted to become part of the action on the screen.

Obviously he knew these were cats, but because we adopted him so young, I'm not sure how many cats he has actually seen or interacted with. But he knew. At some point he even looked around behind the screen, as if he thought the cats were actually there. Then he pawed at the screen the way he sometimes paws at the window. This carried on for at least half of the hour-long show, meaning my cat has a longer attention span than most humans.

He often did look like part of the show, which was a bit eerie. He fit right in. It gave the program an oddly 3D look. The first gif looks a bit like one of those silhouettes of a movie audience watching a romantic encounter on-screen.

Until that old geezer/cat expert comes on-screen, it looks for all the world as if Bentley is scratching at a real fence.

Bentley doesn't just want to be on TV. He wants to be in TV. 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Bentley does nothing - to music!

Cats Doing Nothing, Part 496: Bentley does what he does best - to the tune of Leroy Anderson's charming classic, The Waltzing Cat.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Bentley is behind my computer screen

Bentley does NOT like the vacuum cleaner. He likes the carpet cleaner even less. It's rare to see him hide anywhere - he's usually not a fraidy-cat. But here he averages it out: halfway hiding, just peeking over the edge. I wish the light were better here. He doesn't stay long behind it, anyway.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Bentley's abandonment issues

Bentley is the opposite, When we're going out, he dives into his carrier and looks out at us beseechingly, as if to say, "Take me with you!" All right, not beseechingly. He just looks out at us.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Bentley and bird tracks

Bentley has enough trouble figuring out snow. But what are these teeny-weeny tracks? Perhaps we have been visited by small dinosaurs.

Bentley has a very nice closeup in this one. He specializes in the sombre, liquid-eyed, enigmatic closeup.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday, December 19, 2016

Bentley vs. Cyberpenguin!

Bentley is the first to admit that he is not good with technology. He prefers a warm lap, a Temptations cat treat, an ear scratch and a pinch of catnip.

But every once in a while, His Nibs comes up against some evil cybercreature. He usually wins by walking away, so it's not very exciting.

But hey - it's a cat video. It's a CHRISTMAS cat video, for God's sake - what more could you want?

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Cats versus Christmas trees!

Saaaaaaay  - I was about to post some swell gifs of cats in Christmas trees (and I might still post a few of them) - then I found this! Probably the best compilation to date.