Saturday, July 29, 2023
Friday, July 28, 2023
She eats out of my hand! Glorious White Dove on Burnaby Lake
Friday, July 21, 2023
"The F*ck*ing Grifters" STRIKE AGAIN!

By Meghan Mccain For Dailymail.Com
Despite Joe Biden's decades-long habit of scattering classified documents up and down the East Coast, his administration managed to keep one of the world's juiciest titbits secret for nearly one whole year.
On Wednesday, exclusively reported that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made a very unusual request to the White House after attending Queen Elizabeth II's funeral in September.
The Bidens were in London to express the deep condolences of the nation.
What better time to network!
So, the couple reportedly asked Joe and the First Lady if they could hitch a ride on Air Force One to fly them all back home to the good ole' U.S. of A.
Yes, Harry and Meghan had been excluded from a reception at Buckingham Palace.
There were some reports that crowds were booing them.
And the Sussexes were still public enemy number one in their home county after their infamous tell-all Oprah interview, during which they accused the Royal Family of all manner of horrible behavior – from racist microaggressions to neglecting, a near-suicidal pregnant Meghan.
But onward and upward.
Who were they kidding?
Even the incompetent Biden White House was smart enough to dodge this terrible, awful, very bad idea.
Sources told the that the wayward royals received an immediate 'no'. It was a 'non-starter'.
If the president's staff had put the commander-in-chief in that position then they would have deserved to be fired on the spot. The president has bigger things to worry about, like America's relationship with its closest ally.
'It would have caused such a commotion,' a source told 'It would have strained relations with the Palace and the new King.'

Indeed, it would have.
Just three months later, Netflix streamed their boring, propaganda piece, disguised as a documentary, 'Harry & Meghan.' The six-part series portrayed the Royal Family as collaborators in a racist and archaic system.
A month later, Harry went after nearly every member of his family again when his memoir Spare hit the bookshelves.
No wonder the White House steered clear.
And the fact that the Sussexes, for all their high-paid, politically-connected advisers – one worked for Hillary Clinton and another for Michelle Obama – didn't grasp this reality tells you all you need to know about them.
They're completely, utterly, hopelessly delusional.
Air Force One is not the Biden's private plane. It's the property of the American people. And it's kind of a big deal.
Some of the most significant moments in the history of the country have happened in the fuselages of the aircrafts that carry the president the United States.
In short, one does not ask to jump on the president's plane. They get invited. Being a passenger is a privilege granted to very few, and it is usually reserved for elected officials, diplomats, and the First Family.
In a show of national pride and respect, my father's casket was transported from Arizona to Washington D.C., by a U.S. government plane, to lay in state in the U.S. Capitol.
And even then, President Trump sent Air Force Two.
But by all means, Harry and Meghan. Here's your presidential peanuts. Enjoy your flight!
Did they really think the White House would be so stupid?

Air Force One is not the Biden's private plane. It's the property of the American people. And it's kind of a big deal.
As the Oprah interview made clear, these two had no qualms about dishing the dirt on private conversations when it accrued to their benefit. And Meghan's nascent political aspirations are no big secret.
Wouldn't an intimate eight-hour flight with the most powerful man in the world be a convenient launching pad for her next career move?
Wouldn't it have been great to plaster a picture of the Sussexes and the Bidens waving from the plane's staircase on a campaign poster?
This was nakedly self-serving. And what did they have to offer the Bidens? Absolutely nothing.
Doesn't this explain everything?
Harry and Meghan seemed to have been convinced that the world owed them. That if only people could see how brilliant, talented and mistreated they were, adoring crowds would lift them on to their shoulders and parade them through the streets.
And you know what? It worked - for a while.
Spotify and Netflix signed them up for $20 million and $100 million contracts, respectively. Then everyone caught on.
'The f***ing grifters. That's the podcast we should have launched with them,' said Bill Simmons, a top Spotify executive last month. 'I'm so tired of this guy. What does he bring to the table? He just whines about s*** and keeps giving interviews.'
Now, instead of being cheered and embraced for stabbing their family members in the back for a paycheck, most have abandoned them.
They're criticized in the once adoring mainstream media and polls show that public's opinion of them – on both sides of the Atlantic – has soured.
Finally, there was one more incredibly revealing piece of information in this new reporting.
The day after spilling the beans on Oprah, Meghan apparently thought she had won an ally in Jill Biden.
The First Lady had wore an Oscar de la Renta dress with a lemon pattern to a State Department event. The outfit was similar to an Oscar de la Renta dress Meghan had worn a month before.
It must have been a subtle nod of support for the embattled Duchess, so said Twitter.
Meghan may have thought so too. She reportedly sent the First Lady a basket of lemons to express her thanks.
So low-key. Because it's their little secret.
Of all the scandals, headlines and missteps that Meghan and Harry have been involved in over the past few years, this one is my favorite, because it perfectly encapsulates the phenomenon.
Their plan to trash their Royal Family and jet off to America to be rich and famous never made sense, because it was irrational. And rationality – apparently – was not their strong suit.
Reality isn't an obstacle – if you don't acknowledge it.
Thursday, July 20, 2023
🌈A Bird in Paradise🌞
Thursday, July 13, 2023
SCANDALOUS Pre-Code Betty Boop! (Will this get me a decency strike?)