Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Avant et Apres Le Corset


This beautiful work of art featuring gorgeous Parisian ladies in various stages of dress/undress is so lavish and detailed that I can hardly take it all in. So, as an experiment, I cropped out some close shots to get a better look. The original poster had some sort of very finely-written text, undoubtedly in French. I would have loved to make some sort of animation out of this, but the frames were  not the same size (unless I cut them up into TEENY little pieces!). I am not always the best at determining if pictures are circa Victorian or Edwardian, but I'm tending towards the latter because of the pigeon-breasted stance and huge bustles.

Monday, May 30, 2022


Why doesn't anyone understand me? My friend Rosetta Stone doesn't have that problem. 

Saturday, May 28, 2022

FIGHT! Coot vs Swan

Part Two of bird bravery!

Momma Duck protects the babies - AMAZING !

Sometimes I think that if I had been raised by ducks, I would have turned out a whole lot better. This mother mallard is incredibly brave in fighting off a seagull predator which would have grabbed her babies for a light snack. I've seldom ever seen such courage in any being, human or animal. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

😳"MY DOG STEPPED ON A BEE!" (courtroom re-enactment)

Oh boy, this took a long time to make! I took the Monty Python "foot stomp" gif and literally grafted the image of the bee onto it, frame by frame. I didn't do a perfect job - I see stuff in the background that I swear I got rid of! But for me, it's pretty advanced animation. I couldn't use the Sousa Liberty Bell March (the Monty Python theme), so I found the next best thing, the Washington Post March (by Sousa, of course).


I honestly do not know how I have lived my life not knowing about this! I never reveal my sources, but suffice it to say it has been around YouTube for a long time. It has to be in my current top five.

Friday, May 20, 2022

Back by popular demand! THE LAUGHING JESUS


I'd LOVE to post this on YouTube, but would probably be thrown in jail for it. I recently received a warning about harassment, threats and bullying for posting THIS video:

So do YOU see any harassment, threats and bullying in this video? It's a guy dancing around in a church service. That's it. I've tried everything to contest this warning, as it could lead to a lot of trouble if I don't. But YouTube is now saying they can't review the material because it has been deleted. AND GUESS WHO DELETED IT? YouTube, of course. It's a circular argument, a perfect Catch-22, but I won't stop contesting it and appealing it, or trying to. I still DO have the original material, the gif I made which was the source of the offending "removed" video. But that's not enough. And now they are claiming ***I*** deleted it, and thus they can't  proceed. It's insane, but it's the kind of convoluted arguments YT ensnares you with so you can NEVER find justice. I've been dealing with a guy named Jeremy (OR, maybe he is just another bot!) for weeks now, but I am hitting obstacle after obstacle. I have also thought of sending another version of this which is (inexplicably!) still on YouTube, but that might mean I lose my channel altogether. It is Big Brother writ large. Please, Elon Musk, buy this thing so we can post videos of dancing preachers again!

Thursday, May 19, 2022


I knew Patty perfectly, and believe me, she was far from perfect. One of the cruellest and most destructive individuals I have ever had the misfortune of encountering. And since she was blood kin, there was no escaping her. NOW I have learned to evict her from my mind and my heart and my thoughts. I simply say to those shades which want to ruin my serenity and my life: "DISMISSED!" And those shadows retreat somewhere, and soon, I don't even remember what the memory was.