Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Chocolate ooze!

Elevator Man

The New UFO Documentary The Elite Hoped Would Never Be Aired in Public

BLOGGER'S NOTE. I love comments sections, so long as they stay away from the racism-sexism-everythingism that blights too many of them. I most dearly love comments by total idiots, and herein they abound. This is a tiny, tiny sample of comments from ONE YouTube video, the kind that attracts literally millions of views. I merely skimmed them off the top. There were five thousand comments, not including the thousands of replies, so you're lucky you only have to wade through these. Names are omitted to redeem the ridiculous.

Published on Jul 2, 2017

The content of this documentary has massive implications for our entire planet. Deemed too controversial for TV, it is unlike many of the UFO “documentaries” found on network television nowadays, which contain far more speculation than fact, this film rigorously examines the officially-still-hidden history of UFO activity at nuclear weapons laboratories, test areas, storage depots and missile sites—using authenticated files and the testimony of vetted military eyewitnesses.

Aliens possessing tremendously advanced technology have monitored and even tampered with American and Russian nuclear weapons for decades. These stunning, nearly unbelievable developments must not be kept secret by a handful of government and military officials. We all have a right to know the facts. Hundreds of U.S. military veterans now openly discuss these ominous incidents and thousands of declassified government documents affirm their assertions.

COMMENTS 4,993 Views 5,180,501

Needs morgan Freemans voice over

You wouldn't get much narration out of Marvin or Eisley as they're both dead. :-)

Maybe they are the aliens...

I agree. Any narration from those guys would be a little dull lmfao!
Lee Marvin isn't really dead. Him and John Wayne own a truck stop near monument valley. Jimmy Hendricks runs the mechanic shop and Janice Joplin runs the restaurant with Arlo Guthrie. John Kennedy and his brother own a tax free smoke shop across the highway.
who do you work for buck owens?

You must be from Tweed, Ontario. Elvis and Tupac have adjoining trailers up off Hwy 7.

Great clickbaity title - worked, too

The ET's are sending us a warning to get rid of nuclear weapons. If we launch all these missiles in a nuclear war it won't just destroy us but it will send ripple effects thru other dimensions affecting them also. If the ET's see us going for all out nuclear war they will destroy the human race in an non violent way such as an epidemic of some kind. The human race is still at the savage mentality, we need to mature now!

YouTube, able to flag and delete videos using a few seconds of a copyrighted music, in amongst millions of videos uploaded, in just a matter of hours... American government / elites, unable to stop the posting of videos, or take down the videos apparently holding the worlds most important secrets they don’t want the general public to know.... even though the video even says so in the title. Hmmmmmm either the American government / elites are absolutely useless and don’t know how to use the internet... or... I suspect something suspicious, and maybe less than correct about these titles...

A lot of info and videos had to be released over the years through foia

The information was declassified already; by the government - meaning that we clda accessed it elsewhere anyway. So whats the point of the government stopping a youtube video?

OR.... We are being primed for something big, maybe they want us to know.

some people will perceive these incidents as provocative being primed for a false flag event?

Why would they delete his video? It's all just a load of nonsense.
Maybe when we made nukes and started advancing it sent a red alarm to the "aliens" we could be very close to harnessing power that we arent ready to control which can lead to the end of the universe, nukes can make blackholes which is like a red flag to "aliens".

Time travelers from the future trying to stop the madness.

We wish!!! But they were not successful will maybe on nukes

lol they can't be very elite if they can't stop a youtube video

On March 2, 1967 I was 14 yrs old. We lived 8 miles SW of Hickman KY. I was outside on the farm and looked west. First I saw 3 ufos in a V formation. I looked around and looked back at the 3 and there were 6 in 2 V formations. They appeared to follow the course of the Mississippi River. My dad came out on the front porch facing North. He said they are probably planes with landing lights on. I said but there is no sound. From my right SE direction came a lone airplane and it looked like it was on a direct path to the 6 ufos. I kept watching the plane to see what they would do to it. In the corner of my eye to the left I could see the 6 ufos. When I looked direct at the ufos there were only 4. Off to the NE were 2 ufos about 5miles or more toward Hickman. 

I kept watching the plane. Then I looked to the ufos. There were only 2. I looked NE and there were 4. THEN I realized somehow they were "jumping" that space. I kept close look at the last 2 ufos. As the plane approached them they begin to glitter and appeared glittering in the shape of a top. Large at top and pointed at bottom. Suddenly they disappeared completely. I immediately looked NE to the 4 ufos. There in perfect same formation the last 2 begin to glitter and then instantly became the same hugh bright light. They were still in complete formation but had ""instantly" jumped or skipped that space. I looked at my watch. It was 8pm. About 8:10 pm the sound of 2 jet fighters came from Blythsville AFBase in Arkansas. Those 2 came low over our house headed in the same direction the 6 ufos had flown off to. Those 2 jets were F4 Phantom fighters. Evidently those at the AF Base on their radar saw the same things I did. 6 UFOs popping in and them jumping that space. Something no earthly aircraft could do.

Who Else Is Listening While Looking At The Comment Section...

why not title this 'the documentary of snippets of old documentaries' that we have all seen 114 times in 113 versions reuploaded as 'new documentary' by yet another youtuber looking for adsense monetization fees

"The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television." Richard M Nixon, U.S. president Some People aren't Just 'Asleep'. They are in a COMA.?

What I find ironic is that the people who believe in a being that can't be seen or proven are the first to denigrate those who claim to have seen a UFO...

we Elite are angry about this video..very angry. just wait...

I do hope ET is here to render all missiles useless!

I seen a ufo in south philly i still cant get it off my mind i think about it all day . its crazy to try to get people to believe in you .but i know what I saw !

A ufo is just that unidentified jumping that to aliens is an interpretation that has no basis in reality. A lack of information is not a fact

And your point?

You actually have no clue what you saw, as it was by your own statement A UFO. lol

Man I know what I saw it was close seen the whole thing.
I can draw u a picture of it

I’m not saying it was aliens it could be government.

could you draw it and maybe upload a video showing it. I'm genuinely interested in seeing it. If it's not a bother i would appreciate it. Thanks.

Do u have a way I can contact you?

Do u have Facebook

It would be arrogant in the extreme to think that this human race of ours which is unenlightened & often barbaric, peppered with flashes of genius & compassion is the only life force amongst billions of unexplored stars.

In the late 90's, I was at McChord AFB riding in a bus parallel to the runway/tarmac and hangers. Looking out the window, I noticed a very shiny, metallic disc shaped craft hovering over the runway. I remember it really standing out against the dark rain clouds behind it and the sun reflecting off of it (which really highlighted the disc shape from the shading). It was kind of comical looking considering the interpretation of alien space craft from the movie Independence Day just a few years back; it looked like a big shiny Frisbee with a smaller Frisbee on top. It looked identical to an old B-movie flying saucer. As we passed by the hangers quickly, it departed in a blink before I could point it out to anyone. I kept my mouth shut about it and I still don't mention it to people I know. At least with the anonymity of the internet, I can tell people.

that sound crazy

Cerebral that was me

"Looking out the window" indicates nothing more than a light aberration. Solved.

Wrong. As we drove past the flight line hangers, the object (which was as clear as a plane viewed from a window) would go behind the building.

who else is listening to the documentary while in the comment section

lol I do all the time I also screen record

lol I screen record too!

Totally guilty also......


how to screen record?

read my mind


I'm wondering where are the videos of the UFO's the base took while this was happening? 

That is definitely food for thought. Makes one wonder why Kim Jong Un has suddenly decided to play ball with President Trump regarding nuclear weapons. Perhaps he has been given access to hitherto secret information. Personally I fully believe that we are being monitored by extra terrestrials and all will be revealed in the coming decades.

The maneuverability is what gets me. Reminds me of moving the mouse pointer across the computer screen. It moves left, right, up, down, as quickly as I move the mouse. The pointer instantaneously stops when I stop moving the mouse. It goes wherever I want it to go. If my video game depicts a missile in flight, I have no problem moving the mouse pointer next to the moving missile so I can shoot it down. To the "characters" in a video game, I wonder how the pointer would manifest. Would they see it as the little arrow icon that I see? Or would it be round, oval, football, an eye, .... Would it be bright, or would it be dim? Perhaps it would cascade light around it. I'm sure they would be astonished at its fast speeds and immediate changes of direction. After all, the programmers of video games create physics based on rules, and only the player can do things beyond those physics.

Anybody else sitting on the toilet while watching this?
NO,,! I MEAN, why?

i bet you just released your own UFO.....Unidentified Floating Object

I am, right behind you, observing uranus. (Don't ask why)

Beware the hemorrhoids.

Stop playing with that cigar shaped object.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Pizza bites

A little grainy because I had to reduce the size of the frames, but this is what I came up with: a long gif from a short-ish YouTube video on "pizza novelties". I had not heard of this one, and I suspect it's a lot more work than it looks and that those little bites might leak a lot more than they appear to. Not to mention burn your mouth. But it's fun to watch.

Fetish wear: woman walks in ballet boots

Friday, November 23, 2018

Best Twilight Zone gif of all time!

This is the first time I've made a gif of the 1965 Twilight Zone opening that I was truly satisfied with. No sound, of course, because it's a gif, but I think you know the drill!

“You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone.”

Alien Dance Party: the best part of Communion

Christopher Walken dances naked among the aliens. Who could ask for anything more?

Thursday, November 22, 2018

A very very very fine house

Father wears his Sunday best
Mother's tired, she needs a rest
The kids are playing up downstairs
Sister's sighing in her sleep (ah)

Brother's got a date to keep, he can't hang around

Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our
Our house, it has a crowd

There's always something happening
And it's usually quite loud
Our mum she's so house-proud
Nothing ever slows her down and a mess is not allowed

Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our
 (something tells you that you've got to move away from it)

Father gets up late for work
Mother has to iron his shirt
Then she sends the kids to school
Sees them off with a small kiss (ah)
She's the one they're going to miss in lots of ways

Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our
I remember way back then when everything was true and when
We would have such a very good time, such a fine time
Such a happy time

And I remember how we'd play, simply waste the day away
Then we'd say nothing would come between us
Two dreamers

Father wears his Sunday best
Mother's tired, she needs a rest
The kids are playing up downstairs
Sister's sighing in her sleep
Brother's got a date to keep, he can't hang around

Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our

Our house, was our castle and our keep
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, that was where we used to sleep
Our house, in the middle of our street
Our house, in the middle of our street, our house

I'll light the fire

You place the flowers in the vase
That you bought today

Staring at the fire
For hours and hours
While I listen to you
Play your love songs
All night long for me
Only for me

Come to me now
And rest your head for just five minutes
Everything is good
Such a cosy room
The windows are illuminated
By the evening sunshine through them
Fiery gems for you
Only for you

Our house is a very, very, very fine house
With two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard
Now everything is easy
'Cause of you
And our la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la...

Our house is a very, very, very fine house
With two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard
Now everything is easy
'Cause of you

I'll light the fire
While you place the flowers in the vase
That you bought today

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Dick Cavett Recounts the Time a Guest Died on His Show

I was happily surprised to see Dick Cavett, whom an alarming number of people seem to think is dead, on Seth Meyers. He must be in his 80s by now, and looks wonderful, with those movie star cheekbones and the canny, knowing eyes. Refreshingly, he does not seem to have messed with his face to look younger, which never works anyway. His deep flat resonant Nebraska voice, so full of irony and skepticism, is just the same.

I always loved his show as a teenager, and some stick out in my mind: one with Crosby, Stills and Nash, along with Joni Mitchell, and Mitchell did a song called "For Free" (about a man on the corner with a clarinet, who was "playing real good for free"). I remember David Crosby looked like a dimpled angel, and somebody (Grace Slick? It couldn't be,  that was another show) said, "You look like a Leo."


And here it is, for the love of God, the episode I was just talking about - it WAS on YouTube after all, and it looks like I was right about everything, even Grace Slick. What an incredible guest lineup for one show. I watched it after school while I was still living in Chatham. I was fifteen.

I didn't see the show where the guy died, because NOBODY did - it was on tape and never aired. But I did see an alarming show he did on PBS  in the early '80s, in which several people came on and talked about the pure pleasure and utter lack of danger of snorting cocaine. There was  a user with pinwheel eyes who insisted her life was better in every way (and how would  SHE know, after all?), and a doctor who swore it was all to the good and did no bodily or psychological harm whatsoever. Coke was king back then, but Cavett sat there barely hiding his consternation, trying not to tell them all they were full of crap, as he famously did sometimes in the old days. I also remember - there used to be a video of this, but I can't find it now - the cast of Husbands, Peter Falk, Ben Gazzara and John Cassavetes, all down on the floor wrestling with each other, while Cavett literally walked off his own show

Or was it Norman Mailer and Gore Vidal?

Anyway, these Late Night snippets seem to be recent, and I hope so, because I think it's good he's in the world. I love his moonwalk, too - he's  still full of surprises and the unlikely. 

And how I love the unlikely! Such as actually finding the clip (below). The good part starts around 7:30.

And here are a couple of gifs I made, at great expense and time!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Though I've posted well over a thousand of my videos on YouTube, they haven't figured large on this blog, for reasons I'm not sure of. Maybe I don't want to duplicate myself? But then again - why not? I post lots of other people's. This is one of my rare "message videos", in which I actually appear. On YouTube I am called ferociousgumby, and on this blog (more or less) The Glass Character, which was really Harold Lloyd's character's name. So who knows who I really am. But I want to post this, just because I've found it creepy of late to have "sticky" people adhering to me on the internet, or trying to, even jumping media from Facebook to YouTube expressly to stick to me some more. One woman, a complete stranger, after messaging me for two weeks on Facebook, proclaimed her undying love for me and asked me to move to Los Angeles to live with her. This same woman attempted to scale a fence around Harold Lloyd's grave, and wore a nickel he once owned around her neck and never took it off, not even in the shower. The other was a dubious high school friend who WOULD NOT be rejected by me, for reasons I still haven't figured out. Looking back, I never liked her much to begin with, and was out-and-out abused by her in one particularly harrowing memory. 

Why does this happen? I know I am hardly unique. It's this boundary-less quality, this  sense that everyone belongs to everyone else, in the same world, and we don't. Not even close. I'm glad the past is the past, because it belongs there. It's the past because IT HAS PASSED, and trying to somehow recreate it out of silly putty and string just won't work. Plus it gets in the way of the strange bliss that is Today, and I mean that in the most ordinary, even semi-boring sense. I wrap the day around me, and all I want is some peace, peace from my own screaming inner voices, and how can I have THAT if these weird people keep on chasing me?

Setting up a YouTube channel specifically to leave cloying messages on someone else's videos is beyond creepy. But these people never see themselves. They are too busy being Nice. I have no time for Nice. Kind is a different matter, because it seems more volitional. Or is it just an innate quality, after all?

I have been happily obsessed with Christopher Walken, realizing he is me, and one interviewer described him as having "unexpectedly kind eyes". I think, myself, that he radiates kindness, and warmth, and that "steepling"  thing that he does with his hands on TV interviews is just a way to protect his heart. Those earth hands are beautiful and solid and deeply connected to earth in a personal way. He has often said "I don't do anything" and "I don't have any hobbies". He has been married for longer than me, even, and seems to like it and want it to last. Good for him.

So what does any of this have to do with any of this? Nothing at all. Just -  keep creeps away, don't be "nice", but be unexpectedly kind if you can manage it.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Ivory ghosts: 17th century anatomical manikins

Monday, and not much to say. Just went on Facebook and  was told I was not to eat Oreo cookies any more because of unfair labour practices in their parent company. This is literal, not a joke. Soon I will have nothing left to eat at all, which might be good for my figure! Pray for me, please. It's still sunny out, even if the mail probably won't be delivered until 2019. Gender-identity classes have been cancelled in Ontario. Conservatism sweeps the world, and why? These things are beyond me, so I can't do much news any more, as I'd prefer to feel at least OK, not constantly dismayed. Meantime I find things like this, which leads me to believe times WERE better "back then", in spite of vehement denial. I'd go back in a heartbeat.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Christopher Walken just solved my life

I have of late been scorched by a dilemma, to the point of utter panic. I had a problem so great and all-consuming that I began to feel it was going to suck me down in the mire and kill me. Ancient  terrors, things I had not had to even think about for decades, stood bolt upright out of nowhere like cobras weaving in front of my eyes. My insides were collapsing like imploded buildings. Every way I looked at the situation, it looked bad, worse than bad. It looked terrible, even fatal. I was stuck, trapped, unable to breathe, and had never felt more powerless in my entire life.

It got so bad that I Asked The Universe to Help Me. 

Have you ever done this? Probably not. But when things are bad, I mean really really bad, you sort of put out a cry to the Great Whatever: someone, something out there, HELP me please. I do not believe in any sort of traditional or conventional God (any more - I did, and that is another story of disaster and disillusion), so I can't yell at Jehovah and order him around. I can't scream at Jesus to hurry up already and give me what I want, because that's what traditional prayer is all about. Gimme, God.

But I just had to send up a something, a shout, a scream, a - . I looked at all kinds of videos about alien abduction, because that's what I've been doing lately, strictly because of Christopher Walken and that bizarre Communion movie he did years ago. But it got me thinking about what IS "out there", or might be. I wondered if someone or something might help me out of this squirming, squeaming terror, this sense my guts were wound around and around and around some sword of heated iron and could never be untwisted again. 

I had no direction, no discernment. I looked at this and I looked at that. I even looked at some Walken interviews, in which I am convinced (more and more) that he is me. 

But then this.

This came, and I swear to God, it  was the answer to all the inarticulate non-prayers I was sending up to the Universe. Somebody jumps out of nowhere with a gun and shouts a life-and-death command, words charged with mortal threat, with brain-bursting peril, and -

You say no.


It goes like this.

"Put your hands up!"



"I said no."

"Why not?

"I don't want to."

"But I've got a gun."

"I don't care."

"This doesn't make any sense!"

"Too bad."

This is the "solve". Even with that gun to my head - and it has been a most poisonous gun, a threat to my wellbeing, if not my very sanity - I not only CAN say no, I not only WILL say no, but I am SAYING NO RIGHT NOW, even as I am writing this.

Everyone blathers on about the great yes of life. And yes. I can see it: sometimes, you have to know what to say yes to. But when you have an actual gun to your head, and you say no, it throws the entire situation out of kilter. It throws everyone off-balance. The earth begins to turn the other way. This is the spooky magic of "a" Christopher Walken (as if there is any other). He is the Merlin of "no", the Godfather of "no", the Jedi, the Dude, the Kahuna, the Meester Beeg, and everyone else supremely important you can think of. 

And the rest of us are just idiots.

It's just one syllable. It's just  two letters. It can change everything. It DOES change everything. Colours suddenly spring into their reverse; orange becomes blue. Spring lambs turn into springs. It's a force, and so idiot-simple that no one uses it. It's haiku-like simplicity (and does it really have seventeen syllables or whatever? No, thirteen, but it's so profound that it has just changed all the rules of haiku forever, and from now on they will all have thirteen syllables - in fact, all haikus everywhere, ever written in the world, have just become thirteen syllables.)


I said no. 

I don't want to. 

I don't care. 

Too bad.

I have heard the Zen koan "no is a complete sentence", but I have never seen anyone actually practice it, because no one has. No one can, because they don't think they can. They've never heard of it. 

My time will come, and soon, and I want to put this in my pocket for that moment which will be life-changing, and either help me step up, or step out and down into the mine-chute, the one where you never stop falling. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

How to delete your life

69-Year-Old Dutch Man Identifies As “Age Fluid” And Seeks To Legally Change His Age By 20 Years

By Bernadette Deron
Published November 12, 2018

He claims that his biological age does not reflect his emotional age, and is hurting his chances with women on Tinder.

69-year-old Dutch “positivity guru”, Emile Ratelband, has embarked on a legal battle in the Netherlands to legally make his age 20 years younger.

Born on March 11, 1949, Ratelband wishes to change his birth date to March 11, 1969.

Ratelband is a motivational speaker and trainer in neuro-linguistic programming. He said in a courtroom in the city of Arnhem in the eastern Dutch province of Gelderland recently that he doesn’t feel “comfortable” with his date of birth. Instead, Emile Ratelband wishes to be identified as 20 years his junior. He believes this age change will enable him to go back to work and to achieve more success in his personal life.

The guru feels that he is discriminated against on dating apps like Tinder because of his age. He continues that his advanced age is not reflective of either his character or physical well-being:

“I have done a check-up and what does it show? My biological age is 45 years. When I’m 69, I am limited. If I’m 49, then I can buy a new house, drive a different car. I can take up more work. When I’m on Tinder and it says I’m 69, I don’t get an answer. When I’m 49, with the face I have, I will be in a luxurious position.”

Emile Ratelband added that if transgender people are allowed to undergo a sex change operation and identify as a different gender, then if he identifies as a different age he should thus be allowed to change his date of birth:

“Transgenders can now have their gender changed on their birth certificate, and in the same spirit there should be room for an age change.”

The judge apparently seemed to be somewhat sympathetic to Ratelband’s cause. He noted that the concept of legally changing one’s gender was once completely unthinkable:

“I agree with you,” the judge said, “a lot of years ago we thought that was impossible.”

But the judge also recognized that there would ensue negative consequences from changing one’s date of birth, namely that the process would effectively delete a massive chunk of one’s life.

The judge asked Emile Ratelband what would happen to the early years of his life, from 1949 to 1969, should his request be granted: “For whom did your parents care? Who was that little boy then?”

"With the face I have, I will be in a luxurious position" - E. Ratelband

Emile Ratelband nullified this statement and responded that both his parents are dead. He argued that his legal age-change would actually be good for the government, as he would not seek his pension until he reaches the country’s retirement age again, 20 years down the line.

As ridiculous as the argument sounds, Ratelband’s court battle has actually tested the limits of individual human rights.

Indeed, at the end of the 45-minute court session, Emile Ratelband stated that his case is “really a question of free will.”

The court is scheduled to submit a written ruling in early December 2018.

BLOGGER'S BLOTTER. About this, I just don't know what to say. I'd rather say nothing and call it a day, but feel called upon to say something.

This guy is just squirrely enough (see squirrel picture) to be taken seriously: that is, taken to mean that he means it. With his weaselly sense of influence, of entitlement, of agency, he might just pull this off.

It just means the Gabor sisters were around in the wrong era. Were they here today, they could just keep going back for more and more birth date changes, knocking off the decades, even if it meant having so many brow lifts they became airborne. But surely this is a sardonic view, written from the perspective of someone who has never experienced it.

We're in a position now where we can't say anything at all about any of this, however, which is the only reason I find this interesting at all. Is he really backhanding the whole transgender movement and trying to make it look ridiculous? Or is he - serious? Does he want to jam himself right in behind the thin edge of the wedge driven by transgender pioneers? Thus he'd reap all the rewards, without having to experience all that agony of soul.

If he has one.

Imagine seeing that face on Tinder. I don't care if he says he's 39 or 29 or even 19. He is a holy horror of a man. His website is hilarious: he claims to make "tailor-made presentations" to all sorts of businesses, meaning: look, pay me enough and I will say anything you want, even if I don't mean any of it at all.

A man for our times.

But really. Tinder, and such.  I'm too old for all that, but I hear it's a real meat market, and how fresh IS the meat of a man who is nearly 70?  For that matter, 50 is seriously pushing the best-before date.

No, it MUST be a joke. Or not? I heard about the first successful human head transplant on the news a few months ago, the item read straight, no horrors or commentary or anything. Just: here's what they're doing in the operating room, folks. My stomach dropped at the same time that my hair stood up. I was unable to look it up on the internet to see if it was true.

This guy may want some other organ transplanted. Or is it his brain, after all? Put that ugly pocked head on the body of a 29-year-old, and see how far he gets on Tinder.