Showing posts with label Donald Trump accordion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump accordion. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Well, I finally brought myself to actually look at my channel. The news was bad, but it could have been worse. It had gotten to the point that NOT looking was as stressful as looking. I have no idea why YouTube is doing this to me, but today I had confirmation that the algorithm can suppress news and opinions it doesn't like. This algorithm thing - I have no idea what it actually IS, but it seems to rule everything on YouTube and probably everywhere else. Like AI (and maybe it IS a form of AI), it's total fraud and can't be easily undone. I think it just keeps hiccuping the same restrictions, whether they are called for or not. If I try to contact an actual human being, I don't think it lands that way - if  it's acknowledged at all, it's run through the same machine which picks up words that must be censored - HATE SPEECH. 

The more I fight for my channel, the worse this thing gets. And I can no  longer reach a human being, though I remember doing live messaging years ago (the person didn't speak English well enough to understand me), and even got an email address with an actual person who tried to do something. Nothing happened, and it never worked again. So now you have to try snail mail, which is a joke, and those community help things which are an even bigger joke because the most recent post I could find was from THREE MONTHS AGO. Not exactly up-to-the-minute, is it?