Sunday, April 21, 2013

An unspeakable act

The position at the start is as follows: 

Man's left foot behind the right, left toe at the heel of the right, both toes turned out—his partner's right foot in front of her left, her right heel at the toe of her left foot, both toes turned out.

The man raises the left foot and at the same time raises on the toe of the right, turn both toes in, twisting on the ball of the right foot. 

With the feet in this position, both toes are twisted out, with the man's left heel in front of his right toe—his partner's right heel in front at her left toe.

The man raises his left foot, at the same time rising on the ball of the right foot, and twists both toes in, then puts his left foot behind the right one, and on the balls of both feet twists both toes out—his left toe behind at the right heel. 

His partner raises her right foot, at the same time rising on the ball of her left foot and twists both toes in, then puts her right foot in front and on the balls of both feet turns both toes out—her right toe in front at her left heel.

A toddle movement is taken through-out all the steps, on the foot on which the weight happens to be. 

(Excerpted from: Dance Steps That Will Never Die: The Charleston, 1929)

Where did this come from?????

Camel Blues

If you steal a camel, I’ll have to make a bet
You’re better off with a stringy marionette.
A real one doesn’t make a good pet
‘Cause it drinks once a year, and gets you all wet.

If you’d like to be in the worst kind of debt,
Bring home a camel, then take it to the vet.
“He’s covered with sand! He’s a lousy pet!”
The bill is $90.00, not gross but net.

It’s true, he’s the worst thing you’ve ever met,
‘Cause he tries to run away, and you have to grab a net.
After a while, you decide you’ll just let
The creature fly away on his own hired jet.