Monday, May 13, 2024

BUSTED: God's Bartender! (Or: how the Pentecostals are transforming Ireland)

(I stumbled upon this essay in righteous indignation while trying to find a photo of Rodney Howard-Browne, who is depicted above, dancing his little grey flannel heart out when he's supposed to be preaching. This is yet another protest against the admittedly stupid and self-indulgent "Toronto Blessing" thing that I had hoped had died out years ago. I guess if you want to get down on the ground and squeal like a pig, that's OK with God, but it still reminds me of something out of Deliverance. An interesting side-note: this is the third time I have attempted to upload Rodney's little dance of joy on YouTube. It has already been taken down twice for violating community standards. Not for his dancing, but because they believed I was being disrespectful to Christianity. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned his arrest in 2020 for holding packed church services during the height of COVID!)

Carryduff Elim continues charismaniac deceit with ‘Transform Ireland’ conference

Isaiah 29:13: “Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men.”

More charismatic heretics are to be imported to our shores by Carryduff Elim Church this weekend as they host their ‘Transform Ireland’ conference on Saturday, 27 April.

Not content with having inflicted the God-defying and blasphemous antics of the self-proclaimed ‘Holy Ghost bartender’ Rodney Howard-Browne (pictured, below) on the poor people of Carryduff and the surrounding area, they are bringing more such characters to Northern Ireland.

On this occasion they are bringing in Ken Gott and Tim Dunnett from Bethshan Church in the north east of England, particularly centred around Sunderland and Newcastle.

Bethshan is yet another of the charismatic churches which has embraced the so-called ‘Toronto Blessing’ and all its outrageous claims and manifestations.

Ken Gott is a very senior figure in the modern charismatic movement in the British Isles and indeed is credited with being the man who brought the Toronto Blessing to the UK.

This is, of course, the charismatic wave in which people were noted to have fallen over with “holy laughter” and often characterised by people lying on the ground in convulsions and roaring like lions and barking like dogs, apparently under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

A farmyard scene, which anyone who has had the misfortune of attending such events or anyone who has seen such videos on YouTube will have witnessed, is in no way edifying and is utterly repugnant to the Word of God.

There is no “reverence” or “godly fear” at those sort of meetings.

Indeed, there is a report online from a man who attended one of Ken Gott’s meetings back in 1995 in Sunderland. It is on a website called ‘Banner Ministries’, which, while we do not agree with everything on the site, does feature this very intriguing, first hand experience.

This is part of his account.

It says: “The band leader, between inane choruses, encouraged us to “receive” whilst doubling up and making short grunting noises at virtually every sentence, as indeed did other members of the audience. The majority were laughing and thinking it a huge joke.

“We were also urged to ignore these strange visible and audible manifestations and to “throw off constraint”. “It is catching!” was Pastor Ken Gott’s appropriate remark, whilst he too doubled up groaning as one with birthpangs.

“Great emphasis was placed upon wording such as “River of God, sets our feet a dancing, fills our mouths with laughter” and “We rejoice that the river is here”. “Drink the new wine” was sung in prophecy by a band member.

“Strange wafting of hands by those around us broke out, and a form of backwards breaststroke – “swimming in the Spirit?” Twitching, doubling up, swaying and so forth was evidenced throughout the audience. Significant comments from Pastor Gott were: “We have come too far, we can’t go back” and “The world loves this” and “God is into parties”.

Then there is this, from the same account.

“Now for the “ministry time” of the evening. This began by clearing the decks. Chairs were moved to the walls. Then the designated teams wandered around zapping the majority of people. We were approached but graciously declined to receive. When they ran out of targets, they turned upon themselves and each other, this happening directly in front of us. Before long the hall resembled a battlefield, bodies lying everywhere, laughing, twitching, convulsing – and the teams wafting their arms over them.

“Before too long however, a large number of individuals began sitting up from the floor, looking around them bemused and bewildered, as if to say “What’s next?” It was at that point that my indignation and dismay gave way to pity for these poor deceived and deluded people.”

Getting “zapped” by the ringleaders in this deception is very much akin to what was happening in the video of Rodney Howard-Browne’s antics which we linked to our previous article on him. You can read the article by clicking here, although the YouTube video we had previously linked to the article has suddenly been removed by Rodney Howard-Browne’s ministry company, Revival Ministries International. We couldn’t possibly guess why.

Anyway, here we have Ken Gott saying “God is into parties”. What sort of a way to speak is that? Where is the reverence or godly fear?

Pastor George Ritchie and Pastor Gavin Allen (pictured, below) are the men in charge at Carryduff Elim and they bear a grave responsibility for what they are inflicting on the poor deceived attendees at that church.

They and their church were very much aware of the article we had written highlighting the utter inappropriateness of having the likes of Rodney Howard-Browne in your church’s pulpit.

Yet they were happy, despite having God’s Word brought before them to demonstrate why Rodney Howard-Browne ought not to be recommended to anyone, to persist with that event and now to arrange this one.

We can only conclude that Carryduff Elim is fully caught up in the ungodly excesses of the charismatic movement and urge anyone who truly loves the Lord to separate themselves therefrom.

More than that, we would call on anyone reading this who knows anyone who attends Carryduff Elim or who is planning to attend this conference to share this with them to warn them of the great danger posed by this ‘Transform Ireland’ conference.

Do not allow yourself or anyone you know to come under the influence of this counterfeit Christianity, which says lots of the right sounding things but is ultimately an empty vessel.

Pastor Howard-Browne's infamous "MUG  SHOT"!