Sunday, September 3, 2023

💥BLINK, BLINK! Classic Cars with ANIME Eyes! (handmade animation)💥

This is probably the best car animation I ever made, but it's getting miserable views. The thing is, I posted my second-best car animation a few days ago (Cars with Teeth!), and it got over 400 very fast. But I don't really understand how these do or do not get into the recommended stream, how the algorithm - the Mighty A - determines these things. I swore I would NOT get caught up in views, popularity, subscriber count, etc. - but the truth is, I have one video which has gotten 12 million views, a complete fluke because it's nearly identical to twelve other videos I made with exactly the same visuals, just different audio. And those got maybe 100 at best. I try to stay out of all that stuff, but the severe switchbacks can be hard on me. I find myself recycling stuff I posted years ago, but once in a while one of those comes up and it got maybe 17 views. Seventeen versus TWELVE MILLION???