Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I don't even know where to begin.


This is all I have to say today. I feel ground up. I suppose it's my fault for getting involved in the ugliness that can go on on the internet. It's inexcusable, but trying to protest it means you're clapped down even harder. I don't care any more, I've said what I needed to say and there's no point going on and on about it. The woman is still being blamed for being, I think, mentally slow. They blather on and on about autism, then do this to someone who may well be, or at least has some serious memory and speech problems. 

It's not worth it to get so upset, I suppose, but it's been a bad couple of weeks for me, with that lousy treatment at the hair salon, channel views at an all-time low (and nothing I can do about it), pain that seems intractable, having to do physio which I know is useless or even damaging, no birds in the back yard because of bears (can't put anything up for another 2 1/2 months at least), totally unwarranted, repeated accusations of hate speech which are likely shutting me down or shadowbanning me, Crystal abandoning and abusing the family for NO reason, and on and on. 

I know adversity comes in droves, and brings its friends. It's like that. But I feel run over. I need to stay AWAY from these things, as there are always going to be people who defend abusers. Look at the Trumpers. I can't even describe what goes on there. Anyway, I have to get out of here for a while. 

We at least saw HORDES of ducks and geese yesterday at the duck park, which means they weren't gone, just gone elsewhere for a while. There were maybe 200 geese, spread out in several flocks all over the park, but also a ton of ducks roosting on logs on the other side of the lake. The lagoon needs to refill - it's a mud flat now, though it used to attract even more species than Burnaby Lake. We even saw wild swans!

The ultimate irony here is that *I* am being accused of hate speech over and over again, while this asshole pounded the shit out of a vulnerable older woman for 90 minutes while everyone watched and did nothing. Now people are defending the attacker! Trumpism at at its worst. Cultish behaviour. Wow.

We're going to go return a brand new toaster which turned out to be defective. It seems everything is buggering up now, big and small. But no more internet fiascos. If it was ever fun, it's horrible now, and lots of people think  the prolonged, obscenity-ridden verbal attack was warranted and even OK. 

What is WRONG with people?? I will never figure it out. Sometimes they are simply evil, but evil wears many disguises. It's in the Bible, and everywhere else. I guess I had warnings, but it was nice to be acknowledged for a while and follow something that was sometimes fun and entertaining, until it wasn't. 

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