Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Soldier of Fortune: The Ballad of Paladin

Paladin, Paladin, where do you roam? One of the coolest things about Have Gun Will Travel is the end theme, sung by someone named Johnny Western. In the first season the theme consisted of only the first four lines, later expanded, the credits rolling while Richard Boone ambles into the frame on a horse, does that thing with his hat, and then saunters into the distance. 


  1. "Someone named Johnny Western". Johnny Western (Westerlund) grew up in Minnesota. At 13 years old, he started
    out on a radio station playing guitar and singing. At age 16 he was performing with the Sons of the Pioneers. His first
    record was at the age of 16. He had a supporting part in an episode of Have Gun Will Travel, he wrote the theme
    song as a thank you to Richard Boone which got him in to Columbia Records. He also toured with Gene Autry and
    Johnny Cash's bands and appeared in several TV shows and several movies. I became aware of him on KFDI radion
    which he joined in 1986. I had that station on in my shop every day. On Saturday mornings, he might call a friend in
    the country music business for a phone visit over the air.

  2. Let's hope this works! I am making an effort to restore my comments section, and will have to try various things. I DO thank you for your comments on Johnny Western, whom I have always wondered about!

  3. Comments are now appearing in a box. Not my preferred method, but better than nothing!

