Monday, December 3, 2018

Santa Claus is comin' to town: Shannon's star turn!

From last year's Xmas singalong at CTV News Vancouver. I've edited and blown up Shannon's part. Hope they do another one this year!

And here's a special bonus gif from 2016 (Twelve Days of Christmas - she sang "ten frozen salt trucks" or something like that - "with free ice!". 

Most adorable video EVER (no, I mean it!)

Friday, November 30, 2018

Harold Lloyd: together again!

Somehow or other, I know not how, Harold is back in my life again. A year ago, I was in so much pain from the failure of my novel (something I poured my heart and soul into for five years) that I turned my back on him. I had to. I just wasn't able to go on. 

The Glass Character: a celebration of Harold Lloyd

But I kept my Facebook fan page up (which originally was an "ad"  for the novel), and just in the last little while, I got some views. Not many, just a small handful, but some, and better than the zero I got before! It had been a full year since I had updated the thing, but now that I have broken the  seal, I think I will go on with it. Click on the pink link above to see it.

I have literally thousands of photos of Harold saved, made hundreds of original gifs, and wrote well over 200 blog posts. I like to think the extremity of this (he went overboard in everything he did) would make Harold happy. It's starting to make me at least modestly happy again, though I do wish something would have happened with the novel. I still have  this kind of sad hope it will be made into a movie, but every inquiry I make lands with a resounding THUD. I still don't know what happened with Rich Correll, a close friend of Harold's who read excerpts from my novel before it was published and actually phoned me to express his interest, then for no discernable reason cut me off completely and  stopped returning my emails and calls. I think Annette Lloyd may have run interference here (a long story, which I won't tell now. She is a Tea Party Republican and supports Trump.) 

Searching for Rich Correll

The link is to a very old post written in my awkward early-blog format, and is long and sort of melancholy, but at least, like most things in my life, it is real. I cannot believe how long ago all this started, going on ten years! The way I see it now: I have all this material, and you (whoever you are. . . please be kind) haven't seen it in years, so stay tuned for some recycling. Hey, if I don't remember seeing it before, why would you?

Moose vs. World: MOOSE WINS!

This somehow did make me feel better. The moose just thrashes this thing. There's no contest. Not much information on the animal either, or what it is doing in someone's yard. Though all white animals are described as "albino", the dark eyes on this moose (albino eyes are always red) indicate a leucistic animal - I've dealt with this phenomenon before in other posts (see below). I don't often re-post things, but I like this one, it was a lot of work and got the usual 8 views, and it somehow seems relevant on a Friday morning.

If I had an alligator

If I had an alligator, which I'm not likely to do in the near future, I'd want it to look like this.

When you  see something white which is normally some other colour, you automatically think "albino". But no! My research tells me these are leucistic alligators, which means they have blue eyes (and the rest of them is ivory, not pure white). Big difference.

Leucistics are rare - I keep finding different stats on this, but one source said there are "only 12 of them in the world". I don't get this. Have they mucked and gumbooted through all the swamps of Louisiana in search of these "swamp ghosts"? Who knows how many are lurking under rotten logs, waiting to attack? The logic is that something like this would stand out like neon and wouldn't survive a predator's attack. But wouldn't an alligator be pretty handy at self-defense? What natural enemies does it have? It has survived for hundreds of millions of years without having to evolve at all. So does it matter if a handful of them look like the Pillsbury Doughboy?

Maybe it would. A white alligator hide might make tasty material for a Fendi bag. One of those purses that costs as much as the down payment on a car.

These guys are frightening, ugly and beautiful at the same time. While looking for appropriate images to make an animation (above), I found some beauties. Or uglies. 

The blue eyes seem to peer at us with some kind of expression, but they don't. This creature's brain has just one setting: FOOD. (Well, two, but the other one isn't turned on all the time.) It looks at you as if you were food, which you are. If you have a pulse, if you have warm blood - or cold blood - you're food. Do we have some primeval memory of being eaten alive by some prehistoric version of this thing? Imagine how big they were back then, given that everything was on a ridiculous scale.

This one creeps me out majorly. It's either jumping up in the air in a ballet-leap, or underwater. How would anyone get such a shot without being eaten?

Don't ever think it's smiling. It's not smiling. It is jaws on legs. It is hissing and death-roll, and then, digestion.

These three look almost poetical, except they're not. Once more I doubt the "only 12 in the world" statistic. Who runs around in the forest trying to find these? There must be more of them. Here's an extra one just lying around, basking on someone's dock.

My brothers had an old stuffed alligator (crocodile?) with cotton batting in it (the cotton batting spewing out of its stomach and having to be shoved back in). It was a real alligator, or it had been, the skin tanned like leather. I never knew where it came from. The boys played Tarzan with it, and claimed that if you turned the alligator (or crocodile) over on its back and rubbed its tummy, it would relax and become extremely docile. This is a legend along the lines of taming a bird by putting salt on its tail.

So the swamp ghost, the White Bite, the leucistic Fendi bag of Louisiana isn't a myth. Its only real enemy is humankind, which means it will probably be wiped out in short order, along with everything else.

That is the meanest face I have ever seen.

POST-SCRIPT. I never knew what I was getting into when I looked up alligator bags. I assumed they might top out at, say, $10,000.00.

But no. I found this in a post about The Five Most Expensive Purses In The World:

The Chanel “Diamond Forever” Classic Handbag – $261,000

Next on our list is the The Chanel “Diamond Forever” Classic Handbag for a little more than a quarter of a million. It’s limited edition and it’s incrusted with 334 diamonds, white gold hardware and white alligator skin. And that’s only №4!

The description does not specify if this is from an authentic leucistic alligator, or just some old garden variety Wally Gator from a golf course in Florida who had a dye job. One would think the scarcity of the variety would preclude making it into bags, even for a quarter of a million dollars. Might it be that hideous vinyl stuff we had in the '60s, which would get so hot and melty in the sun?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Opera fails: world's WORST singers!

There's not much to say about singing like this - not even words to describe it, but I'll try. Most of these are "vanity" recordings, kind of like self-published books, and thus are a whole new definition of awfulness. But at some point, these people must have thought they could sing. Who told them that? Whoever it was should be incarcerated. At very least, there should be a stiff fine.

Ah! Emanuele Bucalo. You may ask - who is he? You will know even less about him after you hear this. But I will say, it's funny. There used to be a Hanna-Barbera duck character named Yakky Doodle, and this is who he reminds me of. Not even as tuneful as Donald Duck.

Sirach Van Bodegraven is another infamously un-famous singer who deserved his reputation. He has a way of blundering through the classics in hell-bent fashion, singing so badly that it's often hard to tell what the hell the song is supposed to be. Here he eviscerates Vesti la Giubba from Pagliacci with true operatic gusto. Or is it gutso?

Encore, encore! To thunderous applause (or is that a thunderstorm? Can't tell, my ears just went blank), Sirach treats us to his inimitable rendition of that other opera standard, Nessun Dorma. This is only marginally worse than listening to those fat adolescent boys in spandex body suits butcher it on America's Got Talent. Note to the audience: LOUD singing isn't GOOD singing.

Now, here we have "The Highest Voice". That is the title of the video, so that is what I am going to call it. It is the highest voice, I suppose, if screeching at the top of your lungs and "sort of" hitting the note counts. I had to read the YouTube description to find out who this was. It's Susie Summers! Sounds like someone from a Gidget movie, or maybe one of those dolls with hair you can pull out of its head so it reaches the floor. Anyway, Susie Summers is singing The Doll Song (appropriate!) by Offenbach, whom I don't believe for a minute wrote it the way she is singing it.

Adele's Laughing Song! But we're not laughing.

Thomas Burns may just be the Michelangelo of bad singing. The piano introduction seems to be preparing us for singing that is romantic and tinged with melancholy, and instead we get a constipated Elmer Fudd. I have heard that Burns was a close friend of that other scion of bad singing, Florence Foster Jenkins (badly portrayed by Meryl Streep, whose performing is now so weighed down by mannerisms that she looks like a candidate for Dr. Nowzardan). Maybe not, though - I think he was just added on to a CD of Jenkins' recordings to pad it out a bit. Florence only recorded a dozen or so arias, or perhaps the others just exploded into bits. When Burns sings, "O, Margarita", though. . . do I even need to finish that sentiment?

I shouldn't include this one, and I feel a little ashamed of myself, but here it is anyway because it is just so horrendous. It's not just bad singing - it's drunk singing, from a soprano who should know better. What's both touching 
and cringeworthy about it is how the tenor just keeps on valiantly singing, not trying to carry her but just keep his head barely above water. What else can he do - escort her off the stage? Really, someone should have, if only for her own sake. I had to look up her name - she's a well-known singer, when sober, with the incredible handle of Dragana Jugovic del Monaco. Yikes!

Natalie de Andrade. I can't find out anything about her. Obviously she must have performed somewhere, or her puss wouldn't be plastered on this programmy-looking thing. But she is awful. Simply awful. This sounds like a rehearsal, but of what, I can't say.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

"ARRRRRRRR!!" Pirate colouring pages

Chocolate ooze!

Elevator Man

The New UFO Documentary The Elite Hoped Would Never Be Aired in Public

BLOGGER'S NOTE. I love comments sections, so long as they stay away from the racism-sexism-everythingism that blights too many of them. I most dearly love comments by total idiots, and herein they abound. This is a tiny, tiny sample of comments from ONE YouTube video, the kind that attracts literally millions of views. I merely skimmed them off the top. There were five thousand comments, not including the thousands of replies, so you're lucky you only have to wade through these. Names are omitted to redeem the ridiculous.

Published on Jul 2, 2017

The content of this documentary has massive implications for our entire planet. Deemed too controversial for TV, it is unlike many of the UFO “documentaries” found on network television nowadays, which contain far more speculation than fact, this film rigorously examines the officially-still-hidden history of UFO activity at nuclear weapons laboratories, test areas, storage depots and missile sites—using authenticated files and the testimony of vetted military eyewitnesses.

Aliens possessing tremendously advanced technology have monitored and even tampered with American and Russian nuclear weapons for decades. These stunning, nearly unbelievable developments must not be kept secret by a handful of government and military officials. We all have a right to know the facts. Hundreds of U.S. military veterans now openly discuss these ominous incidents and thousands of declassified government documents affirm their assertions.

COMMENTS 4,993 Views 5,180,501

Needs morgan Freemans voice over

You wouldn't get much narration out of Marvin or Eisley as they're both dead. :-)

Maybe they are the aliens...

I agree. Any narration from those guys would be a little dull lmfao!
Lee Marvin isn't really dead. Him and John Wayne own a truck stop near monument valley. Jimmy Hendricks runs the mechanic shop and Janice Joplin runs the restaurant with Arlo Guthrie. John Kennedy and his brother own a tax free smoke shop across the highway.
who do you work for buck owens?

You must be from Tweed, Ontario. Elvis and Tupac have adjoining trailers up off Hwy 7.

Great clickbaity title - worked, too

The ET's are sending us a warning to get rid of nuclear weapons. If we launch all these missiles in a nuclear war it won't just destroy us but it will send ripple effects thru other dimensions affecting them also. If the ET's see us going for all out nuclear war they will destroy the human race in an non violent way such as an epidemic of some kind. The human race is still at the savage mentality, we need to mature now!

YouTube, able to flag and delete videos using a few seconds of a copyrighted music, in amongst millions of videos uploaded, in just a matter of hours... American government / elites, unable to stop the posting of videos, or take down the videos apparently holding the worlds most important secrets they don’t want the general public to know.... even though the video even says so in the title. Hmmmmmm either the American government / elites are absolutely useless and don’t know how to use the internet... or... I suspect something suspicious, and maybe less than correct about these titles...

A lot of info and videos had to be released over the years through foia

The information was declassified already; by the government - meaning that we clda accessed it elsewhere anyway. So whats the point of the government stopping a youtube video?

OR.... We are being primed for something big, maybe they want us to know.

some people will perceive these incidents as provocative being primed for a false flag event?

Why would they delete his video? It's all just a load of nonsense.
Maybe when we made nukes and started advancing it sent a red alarm to the "aliens" we could be very close to harnessing power that we arent ready to control which can lead to the end of the universe, nukes can make blackholes which is like a red flag to "aliens".

Time travelers from the future trying to stop the madness.

We wish!!! But they were not successful will maybe on nukes

lol they can't be very elite if they can't stop a youtube video

On March 2, 1967 I was 14 yrs old. We lived 8 miles SW of Hickman KY. I was outside on the farm and looked west. First I saw 3 ufos in a V formation. I looked around and looked back at the 3 and there were 6 in 2 V formations. They appeared to follow the course of the Mississippi River. My dad came out on the front porch facing North. He said they are probably planes with landing lights on. I said but there is no sound. From my right SE direction came a lone airplane and it looked like it was on a direct path to the 6 ufos. I kept watching the plane to see what they would do to it. In the corner of my eye to the left I could see the 6 ufos. When I looked direct at the ufos there were only 4. Off to the NE were 2 ufos about 5miles or more toward Hickman. 

I kept watching the plane. Then I looked to the ufos. There were only 2. I looked NE and there were 4. THEN I realized somehow they were "jumping" that space. I kept close look at the last 2 ufos. As the plane approached them they begin to glitter and appeared glittering in the shape of a top. Large at top and pointed at bottom. Suddenly they disappeared completely. I immediately looked NE to the 4 ufos. There in perfect same formation the last 2 begin to glitter and then instantly became the same hugh bright light. They were still in complete formation but had ""instantly" jumped or skipped that space. I looked at my watch. It was 8pm. About 8:10 pm the sound of 2 jet fighters came from Blythsville AFBase in Arkansas. Those 2 came low over our house headed in the same direction the 6 ufos had flown off to. Those 2 jets were F4 Phantom fighters. Evidently those at the AF Base on their radar saw the same things I did. 6 UFOs popping in and them jumping that space. Something no earthly aircraft could do.

Who Else Is Listening While Looking At The Comment Section...

why not title this 'the documentary of snippets of old documentaries' that we have all seen 114 times in 113 versions reuploaded as 'new documentary' by yet another youtuber looking for adsense monetization fees

"The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television." Richard M Nixon, U.S. president Some People aren't Just 'Asleep'. They are in a COMA.?

What I find ironic is that the people who believe in a being that can't be seen or proven are the first to denigrate those who claim to have seen a UFO...

we Elite are angry about this video..very angry. just wait...

I do hope ET is here to render all missiles useless!

I seen a ufo in south philly i still cant get it off my mind i think about it all day . its crazy to try to get people to believe in you .but i know what I saw !

A ufo is just that unidentified jumping that to aliens is an interpretation that has no basis in reality. A lack of information is not a fact

And your point?

You actually have no clue what you saw, as it was by your own statement A UFO. lol

Man I know what I saw it was close seen the whole thing.
I can draw u a picture of it

I’m not saying it was aliens it could be government.

could you draw it and maybe upload a video showing it. I'm genuinely interested in seeing it. If it's not a bother i would appreciate it. Thanks.

Do u have a way I can contact you?

Do u have Facebook

It would be arrogant in the extreme to think that this human race of ours which is unenlightened & often barbaric, peppered with flashes of genius & compassion is the only life force amongst billions of unexplored stars.

In the late 90's, I was at McChord AFB riding in a bus parallel to the runway/tarmac and hangers. Looking out the window, I noticed a very shiny, metallic disc shaped craft hovering over the runway. I remember it really standing out against the dark rain clouds behind it and the sun reflecting off of it (which really highlighted the disc shape from the shading). It was kind of comical looking considering the interpretation of alien space craft from the movie Independence Day just a few years back; it looked like a big shiny Frisbee with a smaller Frisbee on top. It looked identical to an old B-movie flying saucer. As we passed by the hangers quickly, it departed in a blink before I could point it out to anyone. I kept my mouth shut about it and I still don't mention it to people I know. At least with the anonymity of the internet, I can tell people.

that sound crazy

Cerebral that was me

"Looking out the window" indicates nothing more than a light aberration. Solved.

Wrong. As we drove past the flight line hangers, the object (which was as clear as a plane viewed from a window) would go behind the building.

who else is listening to the documentary while in the comment section

lol I do all the time I also screen record

lol I screen record too!

Totally guilty also......


how to screen record?

read my mind


I'm wondering where are the videos of the UFO's the base took while this was happening? 

That is definitely food for thought. Makes one wonder why Kim Jong Un has suddenly decided to play ball with President Trump regarding nuclear weapons. Perhaps he has been given access to hitherto secret information. Personally I fully believe that we are being monitored by extra terrestrials and all will be revealed in the coming decades.

The maneuverability is what gets me. Reminds me of moving the mouse pointer across the computer screen. It moves left, right, up, down, as quickly as I move the mouse. The pointer instantaneously stops when I stop moving the mouse. It goes wherever I want it to go. If my video game depicts a missile in flight, I have no problem moving the mouse pointer next to the moving missile so I can shoot it down. To the "characters" in a video game, I wonder how the pointer would manifest. Would they see it as the little arrow icon that I see? Or would it be round, oval, football, an eye, .... Would it be bright, or would it be dim? Perhaps it would cascade light around it. I'm sure they would be astonished at its fast speeds and immediate changes of direction. After all, the programmers of video games create physics based on rules, and only the player can do things beyond those physics.

Anybody else sitting on the toilet while watching this?
NO,,! I MEAN, why?

i bet you just released your own UFO.....Unidentified Floating Object

I am, right behind you, observing uranus. (Don't ask why)

Beware the hemorrhoids.

Stop playing with that cigar shaped object.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Pizza bites

A little grainy because I had to reduce the size of the frames, but this is what I came up with: a long gif from a short-ish YouTube video on "pizza novelties". I had not heard of this one, and I suspect it's a lot more work than it looks and that those little bites might leak a lot more than they appear to. Not to mention burn your mouth. But it's fun to watch.

Fetish wear: woman walks in ballet boots

Friday, November 23, 2018

Best Twilight Zone gif of all time!

This is the first time I've made a gif of the 1965 Twilight Zone opening that I was truly satisfied with. No sound, of course, because it's a gif, but I think you know the drill!

“You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone.”