Sunday, June 4, 2023

Snowing in JUNE?? WHITE STUFF is falling from the sky!

I had thought that the drifting fluff from the cottonwood trees was setting off my allergies. The media had articles about it everywhere, with people claiming to be suffering horribly from it, but in the fine print it said that cottonwood fluff does not set off seasonal allergies. It's grass pollen, and with six-foot-tall grass everywhere with ripe seed pods nodding in the breeze, I am about to pack it in with getting any sort of relief. I have gone through SIX different antihistamines, and nothing has happened. Now an air purifier whispers softly in the background, level as a chinook wind in Alberta (and I ought to know, having lived there for several years). But so far, that hasn't helped either. At least it cools off the room a bit with the air circulation. That's something, but I don't know what. Meantime, hope you enjoy this as much as the geese enjoyed eating the fluff!

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