Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Sparkledick: Idiot of the Year
And now, for something completely different.
The Mental Patient Halloween Costume: fun in the psycho ward
· Fun World Costumes Men's Maximum Restraint Costume by Fun World $ 17.46 - $26.24 Some sizes/colors are Prime eligible 2...
Ohio New Death Penalty Machine: let's rip their heads off!
But how do I explain this to the kids?
The most extreme of the Yes, Yes, Yes ads. And she's only smelling it.
Tickle Me 1977 TV commercial: Test Tickle!
This ad came out in the 1970s, when women were just discovering the joy of self-sex through AA batteries. Then came Tickle Me with...
Monday, September 7, 2015
Visit Margaret's Amazon Author Page! http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B001K7NGDA
Dream horse
I was a horsy little girl, meaning I was obsessed with anything Horse, and even owned a horse/pony for a couple of years, until he wa...
"Better than having no goals at all"?
As you can probably tell by now, I have a little-little bit of a problem with Facebook. Generally speaking, what makes me gag is the na...
Sunday, September 6, 2015
The United Church: the NDP at prayer
Since going on Facebook, I keep finding old Chatham pictures/names of people, places and things, and it just jolts me because I ha...
Friday, September 4, 2015
Skeletons in the Rectory: the Horsburgh Affair
I don't know why I started digging for this today. It was like excavating through a thousand layers of decaying horseshit. I've...
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