Wednesday, February 17, 2016

So begins another spring


Rain has showered far her drip
Splash and trickle running
Plant has flowered in the sand
Shell and pebble sunning

So begins another spring
Green leaves and of berries
Chiff-chaff eggs are painted by
Mother bird eating cherries

In the misty tangled sky
Fast a wind is blowing
In the new-born rabbit's heart
River life is flowing

So begins another spring
Green leaves and of berries
Chiff-chaff eggs are painted by
Mother bird eating cherries

From the dark and wetted soil
Petals are unfolding
From the stony village kirk
Easter bells of old ring

So begins another spring
Green leaves and of berries
Chiff-chaff eggs are painted by
Mother bird eating cherries

Rain has showered far her drip
Splash and trickle running
Plant has flowered in the sand
Shell and pebble sunning

So begins another spring
Green leaves and of berries
Chiff-chaff eggs are painted by
Mother bird eating cherries

You spoke. We listened?

Say Thanks

You spoke, and Trader Joe's listened.

In January, Trader Joe's was one of 400 businesses to say "no" to customers openly carrying guns in their Texas stores.

Now, "in light of recent customer feedback and questions,"Trader Joe's has reaffirmed their policy and announced that guns are not welcome in their stores nation-wide.

When companies stand up for gun sense, we have to let them know we've got their backs so that other companies will follow their example.

BLOGGER'S NOTE. While I can appreciate the sentiment of this, it also made my jaw drop.

I have never seen a gun. Ever. The only person I've ever known with guns collected antique rifles that he never fired. I never saw those either.

It just doesn't occur to us. I mean.  You also have to wonder, is it still okay to covertly, secretly carry guns, so long as nobody at Trader Joe's sees them?

It's a language we just don't speak. I'm not trying to say anything but that.

Drano cleans and opens drains - and other things

This is so similar to those jaw-dropping "douche with Lysol" ads that at first I thought. . . oh, surely not! But it's a "not". Still, it isn't much of a stretch, is it? The husband has that same look of cold contempt, as if he is (justifiably!) about to leave her forever, while she broods over what her sin might have been THIS time. If the Drano doesn't work on her drain, she could always use it for something else. After all, the Lysol killed "germs" and everything else in its path, so might a drain cleaner work even better? But her husband might be in for a nasty surprise during those intimate moments.