Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Angry squirrel on a roof

I don't know what these little buggers are so upset about. If I said these kinds of things in public, I might be locked up. Are they just territorial, or what? I'm just sayin'. I see them outside the window of my semi-new office, which faces out on green space. They take flying leaps, scurry up and down the cedars, and - we can't call it chattering or scolding. It's plain nasty, is what it is. The tail-flapping is definitely very macho. So do females do this too, in a display of machisma? Are they defending, what, the nut in their mouth(s), the nut buried under the tree, the tree itself? Or are they just nuts? Are they scaring away imaginary predators? Or just racketing off for the hell of it?

I'm just askin'.


  1. A squirrel was taunting my stepson's dog,a big mutt Mike and his girlfriend would tie up outside their apartment awhile each day. The squirrel would come to the edge of the range or the dog's chain and then do antics, dancing around until the dog dashed after it and then would nearly choke when the chain snapped tight. Then the squirrel would chatter and jump up and down like a gibbon or chimp. One day, Mike's girlfriend, who had been watching this little drama, undid the chain. The squirrel did its routine, the dog charged after it and...the chain didn't snap tight. Jade almost got the squirrel, who ran up a tree and scolded furiously for a long long time. Hahahahahahaha.

  2. Temperamental little devils, aren't they? But then, they're first cousins to the weasel.

    Wasn't there a Warner Brothers cartoon kind of like that, with a bulldog? Was it a cat, or - ?

